The effects of restoration on bacterial community structure in a montane blanket bog

Louise Deering, Fiona Doohan and Nicholas Clipson

After Wise Use – The Future of Peatlands, Proceedings of the 13th International Peat Congress: Pristine Mire Landscapes

Tullamore, Ireland

intact, restored, ribotype, t-rflp

Deering 2008: The effects of restoration on bacterial community structure


This study focuses on bacterial community structure in restored and intact montane blanket bogs. Molecular
community analysis approaches were employed to profile microbial community structures. Preliminary results showed that season predominantly influenced bacterial community structure.Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plots revealed that bacterial communities from an intact site appeared to have greater homology with each other, as these communities clustered more tightly together, when compared with those from the restored site. This may suggest less homology between bacterial communities in the restored site, possibly due to previous anthropogenic activities such as draining and cutting.