About Us


The IPS has three Commissions, on environmental, economical and social aspects of peatlands. They are supported by expert and project groups.

The main activities of the International Peatland Society are conducted through these Commissions that act as subject groups within specific fields

Membership in IPS Commissions is open to all those who are interested in the subject. Please contact the Commission chairpersons or the IPS Secretariat in case you are interested to join.

Group email: experts (at) peatlands.org

IPS Commissions and Expert Groups


Peatlands and Economy

Chair: Philip Testroet
IVG, Germany
testroet (at) ivg.org
1st vice-chair: Guus van Berckel (interim)
g.vanberckel (at) griendtsveen.de
2nd vice-chair: Giedrius Kavaliauskas (interim)
giedrius.kavaliauskas (at) klasmann-deilmann.com
3rd vice-chair Jos Schouwenaars
josschouwenaars (at) kpnmail.nl

Peatlands and Environment

Chair: Bernd Hofer
Hofer & Pautz GbR, Buchenallee 18, D-48341 Altenberge, Germany
+49 2505 937784 11
hofer (at) hofer-pautz.de
1st vice-chair: Maria Strack
mstrack (at) uwaterloo.ca
2nd vice-chair: vacant

Peatlands and Society

Chair: vacant
1st vice-chair: Kirsi Laurén
kirsi.lauren (at) oulu.fi
2nd vice-chair: Rachel Carmenta
rachelcarmenta (at) gmail.com

Expert Groups

Peatlands for Agriculture

Jos Schouwenaars

josschouwenaars (at) kpnmail.nl

Peatlands for Forestry

Sakari Sarkkola

sakari.sarkkola (at) luke.fi

Peat for Growing Media

Philip Testroet

testroet (at) ivg.org

Expert Groups

Peatlands and Climate Change

Gerald Jurasinski

gerald.jurasinski (at) uni-greifswald.de

Peatlands and Biodiversity

Lydia Cole

lydcole (at) googlemail.com

Peatland Restoration

Pete Whittington

whittingtonp (at) brandonu.ca

Tropical Peatland Round Table

Jack Rieley

jack.rieley (at) btinternet.com

Expert Groups

Peatlands and Education, Communication and Publicity

Ilze Ozola

ilze.ozola (at) epicentrs.lv

Peatland Conventions and International Affairs

Jack Rieley

jack.rieley (at) btinternet.com

Peatlands and Culture

Ilze Ozola

ilze.ozola (at) epicentrs.lv

Peatlands and people, health and local livelihoods


Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consists of the three Commission Chairs, and the 2nd Vice President of the IPS. It provides the Society with advice and information on matters of scientific, technical, social and cultural importance, drawing upon the pool of knowledge available in the Commissions and elsewhere and promoting and disseminating research results.

The SAB operates between Congresses but elects its Chair and Secretary each year by secret ballot; it meets normally twice a year in association with other IPS meetings, or electronically.

Email: sab (at) peatlands.org

Dr Anna-Helena Purre, Chair, 2nd Vice President
Tallinn, Estonia
anna-helena (at) steiger.ee
Örjan Berglund
orjan.berglund (at) peatlands.org