The Sulphur Concentration of Peat in Suphate Bearing Aareas – Case Kruunupyy, Finland

Herranen,Teuvo; Harju, Asta; Valo, Onerva; Valpola, Samu; Vähäkuopus, Tuija

Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress


black-schist, kruunupyy, peat, sulphide-clay-and-silt, sulphur

Herranen et al 2012: The Sulphur Concentration of Peat in Suphate Bearing Aareas - Case Kruunupyy, Finland


Theme IV. Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat


Especially high sulphur concentrations are found in Kruunupyy municipality, where 722 assays of sulphur concentration of peat have been made. The mean sulphur concentration of peat was 0.45%. In Kruunupyy the sulphur concentrations are remarkable high; five of all samples have the sulphur concentration of over 10%, 8 over 5%, 54 over 1% and 134 over 0.5%. Three of ten highest concentrations of sulphur in peat in Finland analysed by GTK were found in Stormossen-Lanjärvmossen in the village of Kolam. The highest mean values (> 0.50%) per sampling point are represented as numerical values on the map (Fig.1). The highest mean sulphur concentration is found in the peat of Stormossen-Lanjärvmossen (6.38%). High mean sulphur concentrations per mire were also in the peats Högmossen 6.13%, Fräknesmossen 1.87% and Kalvhagakärret 1.52%. All these high values seem to relate to the strong black schist zones, within few kilometers radius, and also the vulkanites, which often exist in context with black schists. Also the sulphide soil affects a lot to the sulphur concentrations of peat.