Assessment of Patterns in Carbon Balance of Peatlands at Southern Taiga of Western Siberia

Evgeniya Golovatskaya, Egor Dyukarev, Elena Veretennikova

Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress


carbon-balance, peatlands, regional-assessment

Golovatskaya et al 2012: Assessment of Patterns in Carbon Balance of Peatlands at Southern Taiga of Western Siberia


Theme X. Peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes


The regional assessment of carbon balance for peatland ecosystems at the South Taiga of Western Siberia is discussed. The key area located between Iksa and Bakchar rivers (56o58`N 82o36`E) at the Bakcharskoe bog in the Tomsk region, Russia. The basic types of oligotrophic and eutrophic ecosystems were studied. Carbon balance calculated from the emission of СO2 and CH4 from peat soils, net primary production (NPP), and carbon leaching with runoff. The analysis of results has shown that the carbon balance is positive in summer months. The analysis of space images and ground data were used for vegetation classification. Vegetation mapping allows estimating carbon balance for the whole key area and construct maps of NPP, СО2 emission and carbon balance.