International Peat Journal no. 11

J. Rieley (Ed.)


peat, soil



Using Highly Characterized Peats to Extract Heavy Metal Ion From Contaminated Water
A.M. Rizzuti, S. Eltayeb, A.D. Cohen, E. M. Stack, J. Liu and J.R. Durig

Investigation of S o il W ater Dynamics in a Fen Peat-moorsh Soil Profile
T. Brandyk, R. Oleszczuk and J. Szatyiomcz

The Spatial and Temporal Extension of a Landsat Thematic Mapper Production Bog
Surface Density Calibration
Eugene A. McGovern, Nicholas M. Holden, Shane M. Ward and James F. Collins

The Influence of Temperature on Carbon Dioxide Production in Laboratory Columns
of Virgin and Forested Blanket Peat
Kenneth A. Byrne, Edward P. Farrell, Hans Papen and Klaus Butterbach-Bahl

C02 and CH4 Fluxes in Pristine Peat Swamp Forest and Peatland Converted to Agriculture in Central
Kalimantan, Indonesia
Jyrki Jauhiainen, Juha Heikkinen, Pertti J. Martikainen and Harri Vasander

T he Impact of Logging on Land Use Change in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
H.-D. V. Boehm and F. Siegert

Land and Water Management Options for Peatland Developmen t in Sarawak, Malaysia
J.H.M. Wösten and H.P. Ritzema

Peat Soil Properties Related to Degree of Decomposition under Different Land Use Systems
A. Kumain, T. Notohadikusumo, B. Radjagukguk and Sri Hastuti

Poverty Alleviation and Wise Use of Peatlands in Indonesia
W.H. Diemont, H. Joosten, S. Mantel, D. Murdijarso, M. van Norrordivijk , J.O. Rieley,
J.W. Veldsink,A. Verhagen, E. Wakker, J. Wind, B. Setiadi and S.H. Limin

Measuring Physical Properties of Peat Substrates in Situ to Monitor Irrigation and
Aeration Needs
Jean Caron, Dominic Grenier, Claudine Menard and Blanche Dansereau

Volume Measurement of Substrates for Horticulture: Evolution over Time
Louis- Marie Riviere and Philippe Morel