European Peatland Strategies – International Workshop of BfN

Bonn, Germany
For Members
Bonn, Germany

Bonn, Germany
28 – 29 October 2019
Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation)
invited participants only

Peatlands play a crucial role in reaching national and international goals regarding carbon storage, biodiversity conservation, flood protection and nutrient retention. Their importance is increasingly acknowledged, yet many peatlands are threatened by drainage and destructive use. Current peatland management practices are often unable to retain their important ecosystem services. Today, a number of European governments and actors have developed or are considering to develop national peatland strategies, as a basis for coherent peatland management.

The workshop aims to bring together respective experts and stakeholders of the public sector and civil society from EU Member States and other European countries, in order to exchange knowledge and experiences on existing and planned national peatland strategies. A focus will be on identifying core elements of a national peatland strategy that fosters best practices of peatland management, considering aspects of conservation, restoration and sustainable use. A further objective is to discuss needs and possibilities of integrating strategic peatland conservation at the European level, including an overview of current practices and existing regulations.

More info: gilbert.ludwig (at) (attending on behalf of the IPS) or (organiser)

Photo: Calvin Hanson