National Committees
The International Peatland Society currently operates through 15 National Committees.
In each country, only one IPS National Committee can be recognised. The organisation must have the status of a legal entity to which the Executive Board of the Society has granted the status of an IPS National Committee.

Here are some useful documents for countries willing to establish a National Committee: Easy Guide For NCs and Model Statutes for NCs.
To contact all National Committees, write an email to: natcoms (at) For general questions about National Committees contact ips (at)
In countries with a National Committee, all interested organisations, corporations, foundations and individuals are affiliated to the Society through the National Committee concerned. For membership conditions, please contact the Chair or Secretary of your National Committee:
National Committees Chairs and Secretaries by Country
Contact Persons
Asha Hingorani
Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association
PO Box 37018
RPO Cannon St E
Hamilton, ON L8L 0A8
phone: +1 780 455 0654
mobile: +1 613 668 3037
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023 (CSPMA)
This year the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association (CSPMA) Team, with the support of the Board of Directors, made some serious impressions nationally and internationally.
With the leadership of CSPMA’s Science Director, Stéphanie Boudreau, the association continues to collaborate with researchers on programs focused on Responsible Management and Ecological Restoration of Peatlands; Carbon Emissions during Peat Production, Use and End-use; and Fen Restoration and Ecotone Creation in Southeast Manitoba. All these programs are funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the CSPMA members.
Contributing to a better understanding of peatland ecosystems and their management is a pride for our industry. The outcome of this research guides our decisions and actions to ensure that our industry approaches the future as responsibly as possible, based on the latest science.
For the majority of 2023, Stéphanie supported the academic researchers team in submitting an Alliance Program titled Nature-based Solutions: Restoration of peatlands for biodiversity recovery and climate change mitigation. Once approved, the program will be a significant investment made by industry and the continuation of the long partnership history between CSPMA, academia and other scientific partners.
Further, in 2023 CSPMA announced the securement of funding for a pan-Canadian, five-year project aiming at restoring legacy horticultural peat extraction sites. The CanRePeat project is realized in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) under the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, which aims to restore and secure carbon-rich ecosystems across Canada. The CanRePeat project is led by Daniel Campbell and 2023 marked some hard work which included the inventory and characterization of peatlands in Québec and New Brunswick. In 2024, the project will gaze West, and we hope to see the first sites being restored back to peat-accumulating ecosystems.
It goes without saying the RE3 Conference held in Québec City, in June 2023, was a highlight and a major success of the year. With the leadership of CSPMA’s Peatland Affairs and Communications Manager, Marie-Claire LeBlanc, CSPMA was front and centre during the entire event as the main sponsor of the event including the development of a Peat hub, a collaborative peat industry booth, and well-executed excursions to peat extracted and restored sites. RE3 brought in over 700 participants from 28 countries and we’re still receiving positive outputs from the work done here.
The CSPMA Task Forces helped to move and shake up policy for the better throughout Canada. Task Forces in Alberta, Manitoba and New Brunswick were extremely active this year and have all had strong successes. The Alberta Task Force was successful in moving the Timber Damage Assessment Fee file with consultations expected to happen with industry in early 2024. The Manitoba Task Force was extremely active on various files through 2023 but of note, we were successful with hosting the Minister of Natural Resources, along with various department officials at the Elma bog, where they received a deep dive into industry operations and peatland restoration.
The CSPMA’s New Brunswick Task Force has picked up full speed in 2023 and has taken on the Duty to Consult file head-on. We’re working very collaboratively with the government and will continue to do so in 2024 to ensure we have a clear path for the future.
At the federal level, CSPMA had meaningful engagement with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and Agriculture and Agri-Food. CSPMA also appeared before the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry to speak on the industry’s contribution to food security and well-being. This federal engagement will continue with a CSPMA Board lobby day in early 2024.
Our influence continues to be felt internationally with strong collaboration with both the IPS and with Growing Media Europe. Following Canada’s influence, this year the IPS has hired a Scientific Officer to help deliver on what the IPS does best, scientific collaboration and influence on the international stage.
These successes only scratch the surface but highlight that 2023 has been a year of change, growth, and strong engagement for the CSPMA.
Annual Report 2022 (CSPMA)
With the guidance of the CSPMA Board of Directors, in 2022 CSPMA actualized some long-needed files, including a commitment to renew our industry’s Social Responsibility Report, update our 2016 economic numbers, a commitment to revamp our industry website, and develop a CSPMA Communications Plan that the industry can stand behind.
With 2022 pandemic restrictions lifting, the CSPMA was successful in organizing two in-person meetings for the membership. The semi-annual meeting was held in Miramichi, New Brunswick, and our annual general meeting was held in Canada’s national capital, Ottawa. Both meetings enabled the industry to reengage, discuss our successes, our challenges and come together as a collective voice to work toward influence and change.
While in Ottawa, the CSPMA team delivered a presentation that spoke to last year’s achievements but also focused on what we are working on to deliver results for in 2023. Our key successes and achievements this year were seen in the areas of advancing our science projects and partnerships, communications and research and our impact and ability to make change at the policy level.
Of note, the CSPMA’s science coordinator, Stéphanie Boudreau, spearheaded and led the coordination of many projects that have helped advance our industry’s 35-year commitment to research and science. Through our Scientific Coordination Committee (SCC) we have progressed our research programs with Université Laval and McGill, for example, and the research is drawing attention from the international scene.
In 2022 the industry investment totalled over $320,600 CND in cash and over $420,600 in-kind. CSPMA’s current collaborative Research Program include:
Responsible Management and Ecological Restoration of Peatlands (U. Laval, U. Waterloo, U. Alberta, Valorēs, etc.)
Carbon Emissions during Peat Production, Use and End-use (McGill U., U. Waterloo, U. Alberta)
Fen restoration and ecotone creation in South East Manitoba (Brandon U. and U. Waterloo)
CSPMA’s Project and Communication Manager, Marie-Claire LeBlanc, helped to spearhead critical projects that will take the industry into 2023 with resolution such as our 2023 communication action plan, field excursions and restoration workshops for RE3 and especially over the last few months, attaining success with media to ensure our industry responsible management facts and figures are an integral part of the discourse. This will be a focal point in our efforts as we work towards being proactive and building the narrative first rather than having our story told for us.
CSPMA’s policy achievements domestically saw great advancements. For instance, in early 2022, the Manitoba Task Force was successful in achieving a Fuel Tax Exemption for the Peat Harvesting Industry. Further, domestic peat tours with government officials were advantageous to the industry allowing producers to demonstrate the success of 35 years of investment in peatland restoration and showcasing the minds behind some of the ground-breaking research. These tours also proved that it is easy to influence and build champions for our sector once knowledge is attained, at all political levels.
The CSPMA’s international efforts saw a true impact in 2022. CSPMA’s president was elected to the Executive Board of the International Peatland Society (IPS). IPS will see the hiring of a science officer within the IPS in 2023. Moreover, CSPMA’s memorandum of understanding with Growing Media Europe (GME) strengthened this year, as the Secretary General, Cecilia Luetgebrune, attended our semi-annual meeting in Miramichi, and CSPMA’s president attended GME’s annual meeting in September. Over the next year you will see a growing collaboration between the CSPMA, IPS and GME as a strong science-alliance will advance with the hiring of science officers for both the IPS and GME organizations.
Now more than ever we will need a strong alliance with science expertise and industry to help deliver factual, sourced based information to be included in all levels of debate.
Annual Report 2021 (CSPMA)
Science and Policy Highlights
Science and Projects – Achievements
Coordination of committees and industry meetings
Meeting (1) of the Science Coordinating Committee (SCC)
Follow-up of ongoing research projects by the various research collaborators: U. Laval, McGill U., U. Waterloo, U. Alberta, Brandon U., Bangor U., Valorēs, IRDA, DUC
Meetings (2) of the CRD-UL Advisory Committee (AC)
5 scientific manuscripts reviewed
Many specific projects meetings (e.g. Sphagnum farming, certification, Food Safety Task Force)
Projects: development and management
Development of Manitoba Research Proposal (Brandon University)
Development of a GHG calculator in support of certification with UQAR
Economic Impact of sectors that rely on peat-based growing media in North America (completed in June 2021)
Support to:
“Can-Peat: Canada’s peatlands as nature-based solutions to climate change” project proposal to Climate Action and Awareness Fund (ECCC-CAAF)
CWR “Canadian Wetland Conservation Framework” proposal to Nature-Smart Climate Change Solution (ECCC-NSCCS)
Projects: development and management
Oversight of the industry research
Program and research activities
Progress with our research partners
Attendance at Scientific Events
BERA Symposium: April 20, 2020 and February 18, 2021
ResNet Workshop: April 29, 2020
GPI Webinars: September 17, 2020, October 15, 2020
QC Greenhouse Industry Webinar: Sept 23, 2020
Québec Vert Horticultural Show: November 19, 2020
McGill Science Symposium: November 20, 2020
GrowFest21: February 9, 2021
RRR2021: March 9, 2021
Wetland Knowledge Exchange Webinar: March 23, 2021
Policy Achievements
CSPMA Provincial Task Forces
Manitoba – proclamation of the exploration elements of the Act and Regulations
Saskatchewan – Companies’ advanced interests in the province
Alberta – Meeting with senior staff on a peatland management policy
CSPMA continued policy and research with Ducks Unlimited Canada
Federal Engagement
Horticultural peat industry recognized as an essential business in the supply chain – Food security
Species at Risk Act (carmine shiner) Caribou Management planning requirements
Contact maintained with CFIA, GAC & Trade
AAFC (Food Safety Issues)
CSPMA International Efforts & Influence
Continued engagement with IPS to engage in UN Forum on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and RAMSAR
Collaboration with Growing Media Europe
Contact Persons
Northeast Normal University
5268 Remin Street, Changchun, Jilin Province
130024 Changchun
Institute for Peat and Mire Research
Northeast Normal University
No. 5268, Renmin street
130024 Changchun
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023
In 2023, the China National Committee witnessed an increase in membership from the original 33 individuals to 50. In addition to attracting researchers from universities and research institutes, we successfully engaged industry professionals. While conducting research on peatland conservation and sustainable development, we also prioritized providing technical support to peat-related industries.
The year 2023 marked the beginning of the post-pandemic era. The China National Committee actively supported domestic organizations involved in peat research and development, facilitating the completion of significant activities and promoting peatland research. Our primary focus in 2023 was preparing for the 17th International Peatland Congress scheduled for 2024. The venue, programme and themes for the Congress have been finalized, and we have launched the congress website, enabling participant registration.
Moreover, we undertook extensive efforts to advance peatland conservation research in China. For instance, our National Committee actively assisted in organizing the second Wetland Environment and Ecology Forum, which included a dedicated session on peatland research.
Furthermore, we supported the growth of peat enterprises and facilitated visits by organizations such as Taizhou Urban Construction and Investment Development Co., Ltd. to the Netherlands and Finland for research into the peat industry. Collaborations with relevant companies were established, and high-ranking officials from the Taizhou municipal government, including the Vice Mayor and directors of major government departments, visited the IPS headquarters in Jyväskylä to discuss cooperation for the 17th International Peatland Congress.
Professor Meng Wang, one of the Executive Board members of the IPS, attended the Reclaim, Restore, Rewild (RE3) conference in Québec City, Canada, where he presented his latest research findings.
In 2024, our National Committee’s primary focus will be the successful organization of the 17th International Peatland Congress. Additionally, while continuing to assist domestic research institutions in peatland conservation research, we will rely on the newly initiated Taizhou Peat Research Institute Co., Ltd. to conduct peat industry research and support companies in the development of peat-based products.
Annual Report 2020
In 2020, under the leadership of our President, Professor Shengzhong Wang, the China National Committee appointed a new EB in early 2020. There are 33 individual members in our National Committee, most of whom are from universities and research institutes. Our new National Committee has brought substantial changes to our primary missions, from focusing on the wise use of peat resources to peatland conservations.
During 2020, Covid-19 had a severely adverse impact on peatland research and business in China in the spring, but the situation was substantially improved from early May. During quarantine, our National Committee worked closely with peatland research communities and business partners by means of virtual conferences and video meetings to keep people connected.
With the support of the China National Committee, the only peatland-oriented society in China, the Peatland Society of Jilin Province appointed a new EB in November 2020, with high-profile EB members from peatland research communities. The new EB members were invited to participate in the China Wetland Natural Reserve Summit, the China Peatland Forum and the Forum of Physical and Human Geography of Changbai Mountains, to convey the importance of peatland as carbon stocks and biodiversity hotspots under the changing climate.
Our EB members also attended the China Greenhouse Industry Conference to promote the substitution of peat substrate with coir, for the sake of peatland conservation and peatland industrial transformation. Being invited as an observer to the EB of the IPS, our Secretary General, Professor Meng Wang, worked closely with IPS and was dedicated to the responsible management and wise use of peat and peatland resources globally.
Our working priority in 2021 is to facilitate peatland research and industrial transformation in China. If the global situation regarding Covid-19 is settled, the China National Committee will organize our members to participate in the on-site Congress in Tallinn (now online).
The China National Committee promises to communicate actively with the IPS to initiate preparations for the 2024
IPC in China.
Contact person
Estonian Peat Association
MTÜ Eesti Turbaliit
Riia mnt 169a
Pärnu 80024
+372 5551 3937
Estonian Peat Association
MTÜ Eesti Turbaliit
Riia mnt 169a
Pärnu 80024
phone: +372 668 1016
mobile: +372 552 7327
Annual reports
Annual Report 2023
The Estonian Peat Association represents 38 companies in the field of substrate and peat production in Estonia. In 2023, there was no change in the membership number.
In Estonia, the amount of extracted peat in 2023 was approximately 834 kt from an area of 20,855 hectares; 12,149 hectares of which is in active use. Due to a rainy July and August, the production volume decreased slightly, from approximately 1,010 kt the year before.
More than 90% of peat products are exported, mostly as a constituent of growing media.
For many years the reclamation of cutover peatlands not in active use has been a high priority. The reclamation process is ongoing on 1,403 hectares of exhausted sites. By 2030, we aim to restore 5,000 hectares of cutover peatlands. The main target of reclamation is ecological restoration where possible. This creates the conditions for carbon accumulation and supports biodiversity.
The Estonian Peat Association signed a contract with the Estonian University of Life Sciences to conduct a study titled “Peat carbon cycle in soil”, the aim of which is to model the effect of peat introduction on the soil carbon stock change using the internationally recognized Rothamsted carbon model (RothC) for soil carbon prediction.
In different scenarios, the model forecast estimates how much of the carbon transferred to the peat soil is bound into the permanent part of the soil organic matter and to what extent the carbon stock of the soil increases as a result. The effect of peat on the soil carbon stock is predicted by testing different amounts of peat in soils with different properties.
The Estonian Peat Association and the Estonian Environmental Investment Centre, in collaboration with Tallinn University and Tartu University, are continuing to conduct a study examining the circular economy principles of the horticultural peat products produced in Estonia to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector. The research should be completed in 2024.
The aim of this study is to:
investigate and take into account the dynamics of peat decomposition during its use;
learn more about the carbon cycle of plants during growth on peat-based substrates (short carbon cycle);
think more about the end-of-life process of peat substrates – circular economy and the carbon circle (back to soil or compost);
find out the actual percentage of carbon emitted during the life span of peat-based substrates;
improve the national emission calculation methodology.
Topic of the Year
Last year the central focus was on the European Union and national issues related to climate policy and greenhouse gas emissions. The European Commission’s “Target 55” target level for Estonia in the LULUCF category for the year 2030 is -2.5 t CO2eq. The main emphasis was on initiating the process of creating the climate law in Estonia that should come into effect in 2025. The key objective has been participation in various working groups to defend the peat sector’s interests in the context of the future climate law.
In order to ensure continuity for the peat industry, we must conduct a study in Estonia to quantify actual CO2 emissions from peat production sites, as well as restored and abandoned areas. This will help us to reduce GHG emissions from sites in production areas.
It is also important to determine the peat’s chemical compounds in order to gain data on the carbon content and take these into account when calculating the annual results.
The Estonian Peat Association participated in a number of events during 2023. In August, the Baltic Peat Producers Forum took place in Tallinn where we discussed five major topics: innovation, modern entrepreneurship, peat science, regional policy and European initiatives.
In addition, our national peat roundtable was coordinated by the Estonian Ministry of Climate and we attended a meeting to introduce the peat sector to the minister.
In November we participated in the annual meeting of the Estonian Peat Association. We enjoyed a great conference with interesting topics and discussions on the future challenges to maintaining a healthy relationship between environmental impact and economic well-being.
Annual Report 2022
The Estonian Peat Association represents 38 companies in the field of substrate production and peat production in Estonia. In 2022, there was no change in the membership number.
In Estonia, the amount of extracted peat in 2022 was approximately 1,010 kt from an area of 20,708 hectares, 11,594 hectares of which is in active use. Due to the dry summer, the production was above average, which is about 700 kt annually. More than 90% of peat products are exported, mostly as constituent of growing media.
For many years the reclamation of cutover peatlands standing without active use has been a high priority. On 1 245 hectares of exhausted sites, the reclamation process has been started. Within five years we aim to restore 4,000 – 5,000 hectares of cutover peatlands. The main target of reclamation is ecological restoration where possible. This creates the conditions for carbon accumulation and supports the biodiversity.
The socioeconomic study was conducted by Ernst & Young. The study took place from February to June 2022 and was based on statistics from 2020. The aim of this study was to analyse the direct and indirect cross-sectoral contribution of the peat industry to the Estonian economy (added value, employment, tax revenue). For example, the study concluded that direct added value per company or per employee in the peat sector is more than five times higher than the average in Estonia!
The Estonian Peat Association and the Estonian Environmental Investment Centre signed a contract with Tallinn University and Tartu University to conduct a study examining the circular economy principles of the horticultural peat products produced in Estonia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the LULUCF sector. The study should be completed in 2024.
The aim of this study is to:
find out and take into account the dynamics of peat decomposition during its use;
learn more about the carbon cycle of plants during growth on peat-based substrates (short carbon cycle);
think more about the end-of-life process of the peat substrate – circular economy, carbon circle (back to soil or compost);
find out the actual percentage of carbon emitted during the life span of peat-based substrate;
improve the national emission calculation methodology.
Topic of the year
In the previous year, the main focus was on the European Union and national issues related to climate policy and greenhouse gas emissions. The European Commission’s “Target 55” target level for Estonia in the LULUCF category for the year 2030 is -2.5 t CO2eq. In order to achieve this goal and at the same time ensure continuity for the peat industry, we must initiate a study in Estonia to quantify actual CO2 emissions from peat production sites, restored areas and abandoned areas. This will help us to reduce GHG emissions from sites in production areas. It is also important to determine the peat’s chemical compounds in order to gain data on the carbon content and take this into account when calculating the annual results.
The Estonian Peat Association was represented at many events after the long Covid-19 pandemic period. In September, the Baltic Peat Forum took place in Riga where we discussed the role of the peat industry in the economy and climate change. In addition, we had our national Peat Roundtable this year coordinated by the Estonian Ministry of Environment.
The main event for us took place at the beginning of December when we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Estonian Peat Association. We had an outstanding conference with many powerful and mind-opening presentations on the relationship between environmental impact and economic well-being.
Many thanks to all participants! More information can be found here:
Contact Persons
Suoseura ry
University of Helsinki
PL 56 (Viikinkaari 9)
University of Helsinki
Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme
Bioenergia ry
Eteläranta 10
00130 Helsinki
Annual reports
Annual Report 2022
The year 2023 was the society’s 74th year of operation. The regular activities of the spring and autumn meetings and seminars were organized online. The 74th volume of the journal Suo – Mires and Peat was published. The IPS Annual Assembly was held on 10 June in Québec City, with Tuija Vähäkuopus representing the Finnish Peatland Society.
Meetings and Seminars
The statutory spring assembly and the spring seminar were held on 17 April online. Professor Maarit Middleton (Geological Survey of Finland) introduced a new Finland-wide database covering different peatland types, nutrient statuses and the use of peatlands. Dr Aleksi Räsänen (Natural Resources Institute Finland) presented the EU’s Restoration Act and Dr Lauri Ikkala (University of Oulu) discussed the use of drones in following up peatland restoration processes. The spring seminar was attended by 34 participants.
The statutory autumn assembly and seminar (webinar) were held on 11 December. In the seminar, the results of the “Hiilestä kiinni – Catch the carbon” research and innovation programme by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland were presented. The outcomes of six projects were described by Annalea Lohila (Forests on peatlands – solutions for reducing emissions and increasing of carbon sinks, TURNEE), Risto Lauhanen (Uusisuo), Antti Miettinen (Kasvua), Liisa Maanavilja (JälkiHiili), Aleksi Räsänen (SysteemiHiili) and Asmo Hyvärinen (Merlin). The autumn seminar was attended by 44 participants.
The society also actively participated in topical public discussions and in stakeholder cooperation related to the use of peatlands.
The fifth National Peatland Day symposium, Suopäivä, was actively planned to take place on 2 February 2024 in Helsinki (postponed to 5 April 2024). The year 2024 is the society’s 75th jubilee year, which will be celebrated by, e.g., excursions.
Annual Report 2022
The year 2022 was the Society’s 73rd year of operation. The regular activities of spring and autumn meetings, as well as the spring and autumn seminars were organized online and the 73rd volume of the journal, Suo – Mires and Peat, was published.
The IPS Annual Assembly was held online on 8 June and Tuija Vähäkuopus represented the Finnish Peatland Society. The most important activity of the Society in 2022 was organizing the National Peatland Day 2022.
Assemblies, seminars and the Suopäivä 2022
The spring assembly and seminar were organized on 28 April, online. In the spring seminar, Dr Tapani Sallantaus of the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) gave a presentation on the new research results relating to the significance and function of mires as a sink of dissolved nutrients and suspended solids. Dr Anna Laine-Petäjäkangas (Geological Survey of Finland) presented new research project consortia, focusing on sustainable Sphagnum harvesting, and Dr Päivi Väänänen gave a presentation on the carbon balance in peatland forests, managed by wood ash fertilization. The spring seminar had 19 participants.
The fourth National Peatland Day (Suopäivä 2022) symposium took place on 20 May in Helsinki. The event was postponed from February, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The theme of the event was “Peatlands in a Changing Society” and it included 50 scientific oral and poster presentations, the topics of which related to peatland ecology, carbon and greenhouse gas balances and dynamics, peatland forestry and agriculture, mire conservation, mire culture and the effects of climate change on the mire ecosystems.
The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland, Antti Kurvinen, and the Minister of Environment and Climate, Emma Kari, opened the event. There were three keynote speeches, firstly, by Prof. Maria Kopsakangas-Savolainen (SYKE), who focused on the role of peat in the energy transition.
Prof. Annukka Vainio (University of Helsinki) gave a presentation on the fair transition in mires and peatlands: challenges and possibilities, and Prof. Harri Vasander (University of Helsinki) presented the change of research and the use of peatlands in Finland over the last few decades.
The event also included a gala dinner in Villa Kivi, a restaurant in Helsinki. The core organizing team consisted of Dr Anna Laine-Petäjäkangas, Dr Aino Korrensalo and Dr Markku Koskinen; and the Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation partly funded the organisation of the Finnish Peatland Day. Altogether, approximately 80 participants were present or participated online.
The Society organized a one-day spring excursion to the pristine mires and peatlands in the Janakkala and Lammi regions of Southern Finland as a pre-symposium tour and to honour the memory of the former Chair of the Finnish Peatland Society, Tapio Lindholm. The themes of the excursion were the ecology and scientific research achievements in the pristine and forestry drained peatlands. Altogether 10 members participated in the excursion.
The autumn assembly and seminar were held online on 15 December. The webinar was also organized to honour the memory of Rauno Ruuhijärvi, who was one of the pioneers of mire conversation in Finland. The topics of the webinar included a presentation of the career of Dr Ruuhijärvi (Heikki Simola) as a scientist and conservationist, the distribution, structures and current condition of the palsa mires in Finland (Pekka Salminen), the drying of the pristine boreal mires (Prof. Eeva-Stiina Tuittila), the conservation of the endangered eutrophic mires in Finland (Aira Kokko) and a presentation on the new database of the mire types, fertility classes and land-use of mires and peatlands, constructed by the Geological Survey in Finland (Maarit Middleton). The webinar ended with a general discussion, which was very popular; 81 people participated in the webinar.
Several members also participated in a project, which involved writing a new textbook on the use of peatlands for forestry and agriculture in Finland, coordinated by Juhani Päivänen.
Annual Report 2021
The year 2021 marked the Society’s 72nd year of operation. The regular activities of the spring and autumn meetings and seminars were organized online.
Many members of the Finnish Peatland Society participated online in the International Peatland Congress, although the planned pre-congress excursion in Finland was cancelled. The IPS Annual Assembly was held online on 6th May and Tuija Vähäkuopus represented the Finnish Peatland Society. Our board member, Hannu Salo, also attended the meeting.
An excursion for the 2020 student workshop to drained and pristine peatlands around Valkmusa National Park in Southern Finland was arranged in October. In addition, the 72nd volume of the journal Suo – Mires and Peat was published.
Meetings, seminars and a student excursion
The spring meeting and seminar took place online on the 29th March, and the autumn ones on the 13th December. In the spring seminar, Prof. Leena Finér from the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) first presented a project on the sustainable use of peatland forests and then seven student presentations on the outcomes of the 2020 student workshop concerning the topic of the sustainable use of peatlands. The spring seminar had 29 participants.
The topic of the autumn seminar was the diversity of the mires and peatlands and the resilience of mire plants in the changing climate. Professor Anne Tolvanen, from Luke, and researcher Dr Anna Laine-Petäjäkangas presented their work and thoughts on these topics. The autumn seminar had 19 participants.
With the aid of the Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation, we organized a student excursion to the peatlands around Valkmusa National Park in Southern Finland on 13th October, where the participants were able to explore actual practices in peatland forestry, restoration and conservation. Altogether, 10 students from the University of Helsinki participated in the excursion. A written report of the excursion will be published in the journal Suo – Mires and Peat in winter 2022.
The fourth National Peatland Day symposium was actively being prepared to take place in 2022 in Helsinki. Due to the prevailing severe Covid situation, the symposium was postponed from 2nd February until at least the second half of May 2022. The core organizing team consisted of Dr Anna Laine-Petäjäkangas, Dr Aino Korrensalo and Dr Markku Koskinen. More information can be found at our website,
Contact Persons
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde e.V.
Stilleweg 2
D-30655 Hannover
phone: +49 152 31 89 82 84
Industrieverband Garten e.V. (IVG)
Wiesenstraße 21 a1
D-40549 Düsseldorf
Annual reports
Annual Report 2023
Covering such a wide range of topics on peat and peatlands across eight events in 2023 was only possible with the help of the German Peatland Society (DGMT) section chairs, cooperation partners and organisers. We would like to express our greatest appreciation to them.
The second part of the event on the topic of peatland education, entitled “Peatland climate education is future education”, ran from 24 to 26 March in Groß Hesepe and was jointly organised by the Emsland Moormuseum, the DGMT (Section 7) and the Succow Foundation, Janna Gerkens and Tabea Feldmann. This was followed by the first of two seminars on “Peatlands and Peat” in Zeven as a training course for laypeople, employees from the peat industry, administrations, non-governmental organizations and students, which took place with international participation on 24 and 25 April and 19 and 20 October.
Many thanks are due to Gerfried Caspers, Joachim Blankenburg, Eckhard Schmatzler and Andreas Bauerochse.
Under the title “Perspectives for peatland protection in Lower Saxony: focus on forest peatlands” we have, together with the Lower Saxony Nature Conservation Academy (NNA), after a break of four years, revived the joint series of events for the exchange of the experiences of practitioners in peatland protection. Over 40 participants from all over Germany travelled to Volpriehausen on the edge of the Solling on 17 and 18 August.
From 25 to 27 September, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin hosted a joint conference organised by the DGMT (Section 1) and the German Soil Science Society (DBG), and chaired by Niko Roßkopf, Albrecht Bauriegel and Stefan Frank, titled “Addressing of peatlands and other organic soils with the help of the new pedological mapping guide (KA6)”. This event, which consisted of a “theory” day and a field one, will take place again next year in a different region.
From 20 to 21 October, at an event jointly organised by Michael Trepel and Greta Gaudig, the DGMT (Section 5) and the Greifswald Mire Centre, colleagues met in Lübbenau (Spreewald) to discuss the topic “Peatland must be wet, but how? Peatlands in the landscape water balance” and the problem of rewetting and the rewettability of peatlands despite the challenges of climate change and water availability.
The series of events concluded with a repeat of the peat moss identification course at the MoorInformationsZentrum (MoorIZ) Ahlenmoor, from 2 to 5 November. This course, organised by Karin Fäcke and her team from the MoorIZ and run by Dierk Michaels (Greifswald University), has now become a permanent feature of the joint events programme.
Andreas Bauerochse (DGMT) and Sabine Jordan (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala) organised the excursion “The peatlands of Svealand along the Limes Norrlandicus (Sweden)”. Together with colleagues from SLU, Uppsala University and the University of Lund, the excursion took place from 25 August to 1 September and discovered natural, semi-natural, degraded and rewetted peatlands along this prominent botanical and cultural-historical border area.
Many members of the DGMT have been involved in various working groups on the subject of peatland and peat at local, state and national levels and have contributed their expertise to various discussions.
On 26 July 2023, our honorary member and long-standing editor of TELMA, Prof. Dr Volker Schweikle, passed away unexpectedly. Prof. Dr Schweikle was the editor of our publication series for over 25 years, during which he constructively assisted a large number of authors with their publications. We mourn him deeply.
TELMA 53, our annually published national journal with articles and reports relating to peat and peatlands, can be ordered at or can be found online at
The annual conference of the DGMT, held from 6 to 8 June, at the Emsland Moormuseum in Groß Hesepe, will be one of the highlights in 2024.
Over the course of three days, there will be a varied agenda of lectures, as well as interesting excursions and an extensive supporting programme. Check out Jahrestagung 2024 at and join us!
Annual Report 2022
2022 was a year in which F2F events have been taking place again. The series started with the 19th Seminar on “Peatlands and Peat” in Zeven, as a training course for laypeople, employees from the peat industry, administrations, NGOs and students; the 20th seminar also took place in the autumn with international participation.
Two events on “Cultural heritage and nature conservation in peatlands – area of conflict and synergies” were organized by the Lower Saxony State Service for Cultural Heritage, in cooperation with the DGMT on 24 May in digital format, and on 8 – 9 November as a F2F event, with an excursion to the premises of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU) in Osnabrück.
The intention is to hold this event every two years in future to facilitate an exchange of experiences in the different peatland areas of Germany.
The annual DGMT-Assembly took place from 2 – 4 June in Freiburg im Breisgau. Since last year’s event had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, more than 100 participants from Germany and abroad travelled to the conference to exchange ideas. New results in peatland and peat research were presented in 30 lectures and on 17 posters. In order to be able to take into account the considerable number and broad spectrum of contributions submitted, the presentations were organised into two parallel sessions for the first time. The new format met with general approval.
In addition to the lectures, several excursions to the surrounding peatlands of the Black Forest and to a peat moss reactor at the University of Freiburg were organised on Thursday afternoon. The Annual Assembly was concluded on Saturday with a full-day excursion to the peatlands of the Vosges.
One special aspect of the conference was the poster presentations and the awarding of prizes, selected by a panel. This year, for the first time, the three best posters had the same number of points. These were the posters by Melanie Lütke (Peat-free growing media from paludiculture), Lennard Gosch (Development of peatland-compatible management measures for agricultural peatland and climate protection) and Oliver Hirschler (Peat extraction and use in Germany and Europe) and their co-authors. They were awarded €100 each.
An essential part of the annual conference was the general meeting (assembly) with elections to the Board, as well as the appointment of section leaders and members to the Advisory Board.
The honours and awards were a special highlight. Honorary life membership was awarded to Mr Jörn Kasch for his services to the Society and his many years as treasurer. Since it was founded in 1970, the Society has awarded the Carl Albert Weber medal in recognition of outstanding services to peat and peatland science. Dr Gerfried Caspers received this award for his services to peat and peatland research, in particular, peat stratigraphy and peatland mapping.
Since 2008, the DGMT has awarded a sponsorship prize to honour outstanding scientific achievements and significant developments in the field of peat and peatland. This time, the prize of €1,000 was awarded to two students, Ms. Antonia Hartmann and Ms. Eva Weber, for their master’s theses on “Greenhouse gas emissions from compacted peat soils” and “Rewetting and afforestation as after-uses for extracted peatlands in nemo-boreal Sweden – Assessing carbon-related ecosystem functions”. Both works were compiled in collaboration with the University of Hohenheim and the Technical University of Munich, as well as the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala.
The “Future Workshop on Peatland Climate Education” concluded this year’s series of events on 10 November, which was organised by the Emsland Moor Museum and the Greifswald Mire Centre in cooperation with the DGMT.
TELMA 52, our national, annual journal, with articles and reports relating to peat and peatlands, can be ordered at or may be found online at Check out our website, and join!
Annual Report 2020
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all 2020 DGMT events were cancelled, including the planned peatland excursion to Estonia in June and unfortunately, also the prestigious 50th anniversary ceremony of our society. We very much hope to stage both events in the near future. At least a number of online events and conferences took place, in which the DGMT and its members were involved. A special focus was given to the peatland protection strategy of the German government.
Currently, there are plans for two events in 2021. The intention is to hold a two-day symposium on the subject of “cultural heritage and nature conservation in peatlands” in June and the annual meeting of the DGMT will take place in Baden-Württemberg in September.
In 2020, the DGMT homepage was revised ( Here information and news are provided.
TELMA 50, our national journal, published annually with articles and reports relating to peat, mire and peatlands was sent to all members in December 2020. The process of publishing older TELMA articles online continues. More than 200 articles, published in previous TELMAs, are already available at
A special edition, planned for the 50th anniversary of the DGMT, which provides a review of the Society’s history and information relating to its key events, written by members, was realized and will be published in the near future.
At the end of November, there was a change in the Society’s management board: Prof. Dr Joachim Blankenburg resigned from his position as the Society’s second Chairman. He held this position for 27 years, which was the longest term of office of all members active on the board. We are very grateful for his commitment and for all the work and organization he has conducted on behalf of our Society. Until the election of a successor at the next annual DGMT meeting, the Chair of Section 1, Prof. Dr Jutta Zeitz, has taken over the post of the second Chairman.
Contact Persons
Indonesian Peat Association
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Faculty of Agriculture
Jl. Raya Darmaga Km. 8
Bogor, West Java 16680
Indonesian Soil Research Institute
Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development
Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 12
Bogor 16114
phone: +62 251 8336757
Indonesian Peat Association
Bogor Agricultural University
Jl. Meranti, Kampus Dramaga
Bogor 16680
phone: +62 251 8629 360
Annual Reports
Contact Persons
Irish Peat Society
IPS Irish National Committee
No. 1 Seven Springs
Co Kildare W12 XR59
Bord na Móna p.l.c.
Main Street
Co. Kildare W12 XR59
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2022
The principal activity in the year under review was the Road Trip event that took place in October, the essential purpose of which was to explore the history and heritage of what lies within our peatlands. Centered on the midlands of Ireland, the study tour programme included visits to five sites: Corlea Bog Co. Longford; the Celtic Roots bog oak studio in Co. Westmeath; Clonydonnin Bog Co. Westmeath; Lemanaghan Bog Co. Offaly and Mongan Bog Co. Offaly. The road trip took place on the 11th and 12th October 2023.
The sites were chosen to provide insights into the importance of the peat deposits in the peatlands and what these can tell us about the country’s history and heritage and the valuable stores of carbon contained within them.
Highlights of the road trip were the prehistoric Iron Age oak trackway on peatland at Corlea in Co. Longford; the Celtic Roots bog oak art studio in Co. Westmeath; a practical demonstration of how to calculate the carbon stocks present in bog peat from a peat core taken on site at Clonnydonnin Bog Co. Westmeath; a visit to Lemanaghan Bog in Co. Offaly, said to be the location of the highest density of peatland archaeological sites in the world; and Mongan Bog Co. Offaly, one of the most intact midland raised bogs in Ireland with a high proportion of Sphagnum moss-dominated peat forming vegetation.
Peatlands have been forming in Ireland for 10,000 years. They are a major feature of our landscape and culture. The peat deposits in the Midland peatlands can be as much as 10m deep. As they grow, they preserve a record of their own formation in the peat layers of partially decomposed plant remains making it possible to reconstruct the stages in their own formation. The lack of oxygen in the waterlogged peat provides perfect conditions for the preservation of organic artefacts and structures. The depth of peat within them represents a “carbon sink” making them ideal for helping to tackle climate change.
Acknowledgement and gratitude are due to Bord na Móna, NPWS and RPS for their sponsorship of the event as well as to all who participated.
Apart from the event outlined above, the Society was represented at the 2023 IPS Annual Assembly that took place in Québec and was also represented at IPS meetings in Estonia where a plan was discussed for the IrPS to host an international conference in 2026 as a prelude to the 2028 International Peatland Congress provisionally scheduled for Latvia.
The IrPS is also pleased to report that a number of new members joined during the year.
Annual Report 2022
Apart from the routine business of the Society, the principal activity of the Irish Peatland Society in 2022 was the organising of the Peatland Road Trip in October the purpose of which was to study issues which currently confront peatland management in Ireland.
The event took place on the 11 – 13 October 2022 and started and finished in Tullamore, Co. Offaly. The programme for the study tour included visits to some eight peatland sites located in the Midlands and Mayo in the scenic west of Ireland. In all 60 people participated in the event, with 10% coming from overseas while students amounted to 5%. The sites visited, some of which are SAC’s, demonstrated issues relating to various projects such as FarmPEAT, LIFE, Wild Atlantic Nature and PCAS; and these issues could be grouped under the following headings: restoration; conservation; farming on peatland; forestry on peatland; peatland archaeology; community involvement in peatland management; carbon fluxes on peatland; and issues facing the use of peat in horticulture.
The highlights included visiting Carrownagappul Bog SAC, Co. Galway where the restoration of active peat-forming has been demonstrated; the community aspect indicated in particular at Mountbellew in Galway as well as in Clonboley Co. Roscommon and Ballycroy Co. Mayo; and the demonstration of CO2 emissions reduction due to rewetting of post-industrial peatland at Derryfadda Bog, Co. Galway (see photo below). With the significant investment in the rehabilitation of former industrial peatland under the PCAS scheme in the midlands of Ireland, a key return expected is the reduction in CO2 emissions.
Acknowledgement and gratitude are due to Bord na Móna, National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for their sponsorship.
As regards routine business, the IrPS was represented virtually at the 2022 IPS Annual Assembly that was hosted from IPS headquarters in Finland. Relevant returns were made to IPS as well as payment of annual fee. The IrPS also supported the “Allan Robertson Grants for research students and young professionals” by way of a donation of €500.
Finally, the society’s AGM took place in November and focused in particular on ideas for the 2023 programme to be decided by the Executive Board early in the new year.
Annual Report 2021
Activity in 2020 and 2021 was limited to on-line only due to pandemic-related restrictions. Furthermore, as the 16th International Peatland Congress was postponed until 2021, the Executive Board of the Irish Peatland Society remained in place until AGM 2021.
The Irish Peatland Society was represented virtually at the both the 2020 and 2021 IPS Annual Assemblies; the latter took place in Tallinn, Estonia in conjunction with the International Peatland Congress.
Donal Clarke was nominated by the Irish Peatland Society for election to the Executive Board of the IPS and was subsequently elected at the 2020 Annual Assembly for a 6th term. It is a measure of the esteem in which Donal is held by his IPS peers globally that he continues to be honoured in this way.
As peatlands play a significant role in the natural and cultural heritage of Ireland a collective of peatland community representatives, practitioners, researchers and specialists, including the Irish Peatland Society, came together in early 2021 to organise a relevant event. The outcome of this collective effort was the first Peatlands Gathering, an online event that took place in October 2021, with several members of the Irish Peatland Society involved in making presentations as well as chairing and note-taking at sessions. The Society managed the accounts for the event and also provided financial support.
The aim of the Gathering was to share knowledge and understanding of peatlands and to cultivate a new beginning for peatlands in Ireland. Over two days of online presentations and discussions as well as a third day of localised field trips, the organisers welcomed all those interested in peatlands: community groups, farmers, land managers, forestry groups, peat producers, academics, public representatives, policy makers and the general public.
Key messages from the Gathering were subsequently presented at the Peatlands Pavilion held during COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021. A full report on the Peatlands Gathering is available on
The AGM was held virtually in November and the outgoing Executive Board was returned with one exception: Janice Fuller from Coillte (the state forestry company) replaced her company colleague Aileen O’Sullivan. Catherine O’Connell remains as Chair with Maurice Eakin taking on the role of Vice Chair and Pat Fitzgerald continuing as Secretary/Treasurer.
Soon after the AGM the Executive Board began planning for an in-person event to be held in Ireland in October 2022 that it is hoped will attract overseas participation. More about that in due course.
Contact Persons
Purvisi, Brivzemnieku parish
LV-4063 Limbazu district
Latvian State Forests
AS “Latvijas valsts meži”
Vaiņodes iela 1, Rīga, LV –1004
+371 22018633
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2022
In 2022, the activities of Latvia’s National Peat Society (LPS) have increased significantly after a period of relative inactivity, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Certain activities were related to lobbying during the development of the peatland management policy in Latvia, in respect of the use of EU structural funds and the further development of peat extraction and peatland conservation. The LPS supported solutions involving peatland use for peat extraction, while, at the same time, addressing the need to reduce the impact on the environment and restore peat extraction sites. LPS members actively participated in the evolution of GHG emissions, as well as the diverse impacts on peatlands and biological diversity studies relating to peatlands.
Other activities were associated with discussions at national level regarding the possibilities of using peat as a source of energy in special situations, such as the energy crisis. Considering the major reduction of fossil fuels (gas, oil, oil products) from Russia due to economic sanctions, the national standpoint and that of the LPS could be to use locally available energy resources as much as possible; this position was communicated to governmental authorities and mass media, and positive responses were received.
In August 2022, the Secretary General of the IPS, Susann Warnecke and the President of the IPS, Marko Pomerants, visited Latvia and participated in a meeting of the LPS Board. Several new members have joined the LPS, in particular, the largest peatland owner, Latvia JSC; Latvia State Forests has also joined, as well as several NGOs and individual members.
The highlight of 2022 was the approval of LPS as IPS NC of Latvia in October 2022. During the few last months of the year, activities have been initiated related to the further development of legislative activities regulating peatland management.
Contact Persons
IPS Lithuanian National Committee
Lithuanian Growing Media Producers Association
Kauno g. 17
LT-53387 Ezerelis, Kauno rajonas
Phone: +370 375 34260
Annual Reports
Annual report 2019
Main activities
- Sustainable peat industry
- Represent the Association members interest in state authorities and submit proposals
- Assist in cooperation with foreign partners on economic and professional issues
- Provide consulting on production rationalization and economy development issues
- Organize exhibitions, seminars and specialist training on peat production, processing and sales
Events and Meetings
- The most important event of the year for the peat industry was Baltic Peat Producers Forum 2019. The event was held in the city of Palanga on the 4-6th September 2019. Around 300 participants attended the event. Participants came from different countries and various fields, from peat producers to scientists and students.
Policy, advocacy and convention work
- Lithuanian Peat Producers Association is a member of IPS, Growing Media Europe, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.
- Partnership with LITBIOMA (Lithuanian Biomass energy Association), Kaunas University of Technology, LINAVA (Association of Transport Companies) Nature Research Centre and Lithuanian Nature Fund.
- New member campaigns and marketing
New member campaigns and marketing
- Last year, one company joined the Lithuanian Peat Producers Association.
- Soltera JSC expressed a wish to become a member of the association in the general meeting of members. Soltera JSC is the only company in the Baltic States producing a wide range of perlite products especially for the peat industry.
Other activities
To continue activity in project “LIFE Peat Restore – reduction of CO2 emissions by restoring degraded peatlands in Northern European Lowland”. LIFE Peat Restore – an EU peatland project funded by LIFE Climate Change Mitigation (2016-2021).
Together with nine partners from Poland, Germany and the Baltic states the LIFE Climate Mitigation project “Peat Restore” was established in 2016. Within five years the project aims to rewet degraded peatlands in the partner countries, covering an area of 5,300 hectares to restore the natural function as carbon sinks.
Project financed by European Commission. Partners and co-financers in Lithuania are the Lithuanian Fund for Nature (LFN), Peat Producers Association (PPA) and the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania.
The project provides for the following research directions indicating climate change: the emission and storage of greenhouse gases, hydrological and flora and fauna research. These studies will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken and to estimate the potential impact of wetland drainage on climate change. The project’s experience as well as best practice scenarios to reduce greenhouse gases will be summarized in a guide of rewetting peatlands, which can be used by various stakeholders. Adapted management plans and restoration concepts for each of the project sites will be elaborated to ensure the achievements in the long term.
LIFE Aukštumala LIFE12NAT/LT/000965
The planting of Sphagnum and restoration of flora in the exhausted part of Aukštumala peatland was initiated by the Lithuanian Fund for Nature. This project is part of the international project “LIFE Peat Restore – reduction of CO2emissions by restoring degraded peatlands in Northern European Lowland”.
In 2019, the first experimental area of 2 ha was developed in Lithuania on the north eastern edge of Aukštumala Peatland. It was done on the initiative of Lithuanian Nature Fund in cooperation with the peat company JSC Klasmann Deilmann Šilutė and Lithuanian Peat Producers Association. The Aukštumala Sphagnum cultivation field with its infrastructure and biodiversity protection area covers an area of 10 ha.
Experts investigated the experimental field, the properties of peat, the possibility of supplying the necessary water and they designed a scheme for the construction of a Sphagnum planting field. Qualified employees of JSC Klasmann-Deilmann Šilutė did all necessary work.
In September 2019, the two-day work consisted of two steps: collecting of Sphagnum material from damaged and ready-to-use peat fields, and planting in an experimental field. This work was done by volunteers and staff of Klasmann-Deilmann Šilutė. They were not afraid of bad weather and collected the 400 bags of Sphagnum and planted them by hand.
After hard work in the field, Nerijus Zableckis (NGO Lithuanian Fund for Nature, national coordinator of project LIFE Peat Restore) and Dr. Jūratė Sendžikaitė (NGO Lithuanian Fund for Nature, the Institute of Botany of the Nature Research) were delighted.
Dr. Jūratė Sendžikaitė said: “Sphagnum is spread over two hectares in a specially equipped field for the cultivation of Sphagnum and other raised bogs. If all goes well after five to six years we will have plenty of donor material to restore other parts of the peatland”.
Short video about work in Aukštumala peatland restoration.
Cooperation activities with the IPS
Peat Producers Association is planning to be active and to take part in IPS events and conferences, to exchange information and to continue cooperation.
Plans for next year
- “GROWING MEDIA EUROPE” to continue participation in the activities
- To work on validation of the peat loss due to the compression method and to work with “Lithuanian Nature Fund” on this question
- To continue to work on abandoned peatlands with the Lithuanian Ministry of Environment
- To continue to work with the “LIFE Peat Restore” project
Contact Persons
Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute
Chief Minister’s Department
Lot 6035, Kuching-Kota Samarahan Expressway
94300, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak
Phone: +60 19 858 2085
No. 386A, Lorong 7
Jalan Semaba
93250 Kuching, Sarawak
phone: 016-8896156
Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute
Lot 6035, Kuching – Samarahan Expressway
94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023
Celebrating the Significance of Tropical Peatland
We are pleased to share with you the exciting experiences and vital insights from the recent event organised by the Malaysian Peat Society (MPS) in collaboration with the Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (TROPI) on 23 September 2023. Aptly titled “Discover the Hidden Treasure: The Tropical Peatlands of Sarawak”, it represented an important milestone in promoting the understanding and appreciation of tropical peatlands.
The event, which was attended by over 200 people, including key representatives from government agencies, non-governmental organisations and the private sector, underlined the crucial role of tropical peatlands in protecting the environment. A special highlight was the insightful presentation by Dr Lulie Melling, a recognised authority on peatland research with over two decades of experience. She explained the role of peatlands in mitigating climate change and conserving biodiversity and addressed the challenges faced by researchers in this field.
Often humorously dubbed “sexy soil”, tropical peatlands are characterised by their unique qualities. These ecosystems are not only rich in biodiversity, but also play a crucial role in combatting climate change thanks to their water-saturated and acidic conditions.
Dr Melling’s expertise was evident as she delved into topics such as natural carbon sequestration in the peatlands of Sarawak and the intricacies of their conservation. She emphasised the importance of understanding and protecting these remarkable ecosystems because they provide important ecological services such as carbon storage, water regulation and habitat provision.
One of the key messages of the event was the importance of effective scientific communication. She pointed out the frequent challenges that scientists face in terms of making complex concepts understandable and appealing to a wider audience. She argued in favour of science communication that is both engaging and credible, ensuring accuracy without sacrificing appeal.
The event also featured an exhibition highlighting the ecological and cultural importance of peatlands and a short tour of the TROPI laboratory, in addition to poster presentations and exhibitions at the facility. The participants were invited to immerse themselves in the beauty and importance of these ecosystems through interactive and educational exhibits.
This event successfully highlighted the invaluable role of tropical peatlands and celebrated their ecological and aesthetic importance. The MPS-TROPI initiative has undoubtedly promoted public understanding and appreciation of these unique natural wonders.
As we face the challenges of climate change, initiatives like this remind us of the vital natural treasures we need to protect. By advocating for the conservation and sustainable management of tropical peatlands, we are contributing to a healthier, more resilient planet for future generations. Let’s work together to value and safeguard these “sexy” ecosystems, whose importance extends far beyond their immediate visual appeal.
Annual Report 2022
The Malaysian Peat Society (MPS) plays a pivotal role in promoting the wise and sustainable use of peat and peatlands in the country. In 2022, with the announcement of the re-opening of international borders and the transition to the endemic phase in Malaysia, most of the meetings have either changed to a F2F or hybrid format, with fewer meetings being conducted online. A number of significant activities of the MPS have been undertaken successfully in 2022.
The 12th Annual General Meeting of the MPS was convened on 7 May 2022 in Kuching, Sarawak to review and discuss the reports of the Secretary and Treasury General, the proposed budget and the proposed plan of activities for 2022, and to appoint auditors for the financial year, 2022.
Participants in the meeting also approved the newly elected committee (2021-2022) without any amendments. The MPS will continue to provide technical training and financial aid to students and those interested in enhancing their knowledge and skills in the area of tropical peat research. A total of 13 students from both local and international universities underwent their training at the Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (Sarawak TROPI) in 2022.
Another major event for the MPS last year was the organisation of the highly specialized conference, AsiaFlux 2022, which was held in Sarawak TROPI from 20 – 22 September 2022, followed by a Tropical Peat Swamp Excursion at the Maludam National Park on the 23 September 2022.
This event was organised by the MPS, Sarawak TROPI and the AsiaFlux steering committee, in collaboration with the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan, Hokkaido University in Japan, the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), the Forest Research Institute, Malaysia (FRIM) and the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Mardi), supported by the Sarawak Convention Bureau (SCB). More than 250 delegates from all around the world, such as Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Estonia, Germany, China, India and the United States of America participated and more than 100 poster and oral presentations were given during the conference.
To capitalize on the latest national and international updates on peat and peatland research, MPS members successfully gave their oral and poster presentations at several conferences, congresses and workshops, both locally and internationally, based on their work relating to tropical peatland research.
Another memorable event for the MPS last year was the joint organization of the TROPI Appreciation and Christmas Night with Sarawak TROPI on Friday 2 December 2022. The purpose of this event was to build a rapport and encourage camaraderie among team members, as well as to show some appreciation for the staff and TROPI associates with regard to the milestones achieved in 2022.
Annual Report 2020
The Malaysian Peat Society (MPS) plays a pivotal role in promoting and supporting conferences and publicizing the insightful and sustainable use of peat and peatlands in the country, through its activities. Despite a challenging year in 2020, due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the MPS managed to successfully carry out a number of significant activities last year.
The 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the MPS was delayed because of Covid-19 and was only convened on 8th August 2020 at the Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute, subject to stringent adherence to the SOP for meetings. Due to travel restrictions at the time of the meeting, outstation members were able to participate virtually in the meeting via video conferencing.
The AGM reviewed and discussed the reports of the Secretary and Treasury General, proposed a budget and a plan of activities, and appointed auditors for the 2020 financial year. Additionally, a proposal to review and update the MPS Constitution was also presented during the meeting and the proposed amendments were duly passed.
Another more memorable event of the MPS last year was the 10th Anniversary cum Christmas Celebration which was held on 21st December 2020 at the Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute.
The event was graced by the presence of YAB, Chief Minister of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Tun Abang Haji Openg who cut the 10th Anniversary cake. MPS members and several invited guests came together to commemorate this special moment which highlighted the 10-year journey of the MPS, since its establishment on 21st May 2010.
The major highlights of the Anniversary Celebration were the awards, which were given out that evening. Four prestigious awards were given during the event: (1) Partnership award, (2) Environmental Sustainability award, (3) Young Peat Scientist award, and (4) Publication award:
Partnership Award – the award was given in recognition of the stakeholders for their unwavering support towards the successful growth of the MPS.
Environmental Sustainability Award – the award was given in recognition of the stakeholders for their support and commitment in promoting the wise use and responsible development of peatlands.
Young Peat Scientist Award – the award was given in recognition of the young scientists who are dedicated to peat research and demonstrated leadership skills in their work.
Publication Award – the award was given to recognize publication outputs in high quality research journals by Sarawak TROPI researchers.
With no definitive means of eliminating of the Covid-19 pandemic yet in sight, 2021 will remain challenging in terms of organizing physical conferences and seminars. We will have to resort to using multi-media means to host such events. Though impractical for scientific presentations, this will have to be the new normal until such time a viable vaccine and vaccination programme is in place to restore free travel without SOP restrictions.
The Netherlands
Contact Persons
Nederlands Veengenootschap
Intervema BV
Burg. J.G. Legroweg 80
9761 TD Eelde
phone: +31 50 309 5950
Nederlands Veengenootschap
Regional Water Authority Fryslan
Draaisterhuizen 3
8618 NT Oosthem
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023
In 2023 the Dutch IPS committee tried to establish closer relations with other national organisations related to soil science and land use.
On 12 May we organised a seminar in Zegveld (Utrecht) on “Agricultural peatland use and options to reduce GHG emissions” together with the Dutch Soil Science Society and the Network Land and Water. Contributions were provided by scientists, farmers and politicians from province and water authorities. The successful seminar was attended by about 60 participants.
Over the next few years, our aim is to organise more events in collaboration with other peatland-related organisations. This will increase both the potential quality and quantity of participants.
We have invested to strengthen our contacts with members from the industrial sector to guarantee their commitment and IPS membership for the future. In addition, we have made inquiries amongst our members to find out what they think about our activities and how these could be improved.
From 1 January 2024 onwards, Dr Michiel Gerding will hand over his role as Secretary to Dr Jos Schouwenaars.
Annual Report 2021
The society staged two digital meetings for the members.
The first was from Gilles Erkens who teaches at Utrecht University and is a member of the UNESCO working group on soil subsidence, and program manager soil subsidence with Deltares. His presentation was on soil subsidence in the peat areas with intensive agricutural activities, mainly dairy farming. Slides can be obtained from the Secretary.
The second meeting was the COP 26 session of the IPS in Glasgow to which the members were stimulated to follow online.
Annual Report 2020
Covid-19, like everywhere else, has put a stop to our activities. Prior to this, the Board was able to say goodbye to Piet Cleveringa as board member, on which occasion he was granted the honorary membership of the club.
On the same day, the Chairman of the citizens’ committee of the Volgermeerpolder in Waterland also planned a joint meeting to examine the possibility of covering polluted polder with peat, based on many years of experience. However, this will have to wait until restrictions are lifted.
The Congress in Tallinn was moved to May 2021.
In August, a delegation from the Board was introduced to the new President of IPS, Marko Pomerants, former Minister of Estonia. This was an introductory visit with the National Committees of the Netherlands and Germany. Our President, with an interest in both countries, organized the programme. However, the outbreak of the virus resulted in travel restrictions and Estonia declared a travel ban to the Netherlands.
Fortunately, Marko Pomerants was still able to fly to Bremen where he met with Guus van Berckel and in the evening, a meaningful exchange of views took place in Woerden, focusing on, among other things, the prospect of a peat academy. The next morning, Jan van den Akker met with Marko Pomerants in Zegveld for an explanation of the peat meadow problem. Immediately afterwards Marko travelled with Guus van Berckel to Germany.
In order to organize an event for members during this strange year, Board member Jos Schouwenaars organized a webinar, in which Arnout de Vries of the Frisian Environmental Federation gave a talk on the Currency for the Peat programme. This was held via MS Teams on 25th November for a dozen members of the Dutch Peatland Society. He is affiliated to the Frisian Environmental Federation in which a programme is being initiated whereby landowners can sell their CO2 savings on the market. The initial aim is to use the product in the peat meadow areas, in the low peatland areas in the middle of Friesland.
By raising the water table, emissions can be reduced. This, in turn, will cost crop yields. This can be compensated by selling the reduced emissions. Such a system is already used by multinationals worldwide, but in this case, the intention is to do so in a regional context. For example, the Frisian transport sector could buy CO2 certificates from farmers. Such regional compensation does not yet exist, but buyers would like regional added value.
In the system are sellers, providers of CO2 savings and buyers, such as companies, but also governments and individuals. A mediator, such as the Environmental Federation services both parties, and finally there is a supervisor who has to provide certification. For the peat pasture farmer, this may mean that he can (partly) maintain his grazing function, or he can contribute to nature development, or apply wet crops.
It is important to determine how many emissions will be reduced in order to be able to issue certificates on the basis of this. The mediator goes to the farmers to find suitable locations. Currently there are six locations and around 600 ha. This could result in 55,000 – 120,000 CO2 certificates. They are estimated at €70 per certificate on purchase.
As a result of the presentation, a lively discussion took place between the participants regarding the various benefits and drawbacks of the system.
Contact Persons
Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences
Department of Soil and Environment
Box 7014
S-750 07 Uppsala
Odengatan 3
567 32 Vaggeryd
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023
The year 2023 was used to reorganise the Swedish Peat Research Foundation (TorvForsk) and to recruit new members. It was also characterised by intensive scientific outreach to the media by individual TorvForsk members regarding the actions of the climate activists “Återställ Våtmarker” (Restore Wetlands) and the Swedish programme for drained peatland rewetting.
Many events about peatlands and peat organised by other organisations were attended and scientifically supported by TorvForsk members. These included several workshops on greenhouse gas emissions and climate reporting as well as the rewetting of drained peatlands, in addition to Sustainable Development Goals within the Environmental Objectives Committee in the Swedish parliament and an excursion titled “The peatlands of Svealand along the Limes Norrlandicus” organised by the German Peat and Peatland Society (DGMT), where natural, semi-natural, degraded and rewetted peatlands along this prominent botanical and cultural-historical border area have been discovered.
Annual Report 2022
In 2022 and after 39 years, the Swedish Peat Research Foundation (TorvForsk) as the Swedish NC in the IPS, separated from the Swedish Peat Producers Association (Svensk Torv). TorvForsk shall be the umbrella organisation for conducting joint research and development issues, by maintaining the trade union contacts between science, peatland and the peat-using sectors (peat and substrate industry, agriculture, forestry), peatland protection and nature conservation, public authorities, related organisations and anyone interested in mires, peatlands and peat.
Contact Persons
Ukrainian Peatland Association
Kyrylivska Street, 69 V
Kyiv 4080
(097) 401-78-20
(094) 360-10-16, 04080
Rivne National University of Water Management and Environmental Management
st. Soborna, 11
(096) 970-42-37
Annual reports
United Kingdom
Contact Persons
University of Leicester
Department of Geography
University Road
Leicester LE1 7RH
United Kingdom
phone: +44 116 2523318
1 Closes Side Lane
East Bridgford
Nottingham NG13 8NA
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023
The year two thousand and twenty three was a difficult one for the IPS UK National Committee owing to the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and resignation of the IPS Secretary General in 2021. This put additional responsibility onto Jack Rieley, IPS Vice President 2 and Chair of IPS Scientific Board who also acts as Secretary and Treasurer of the UK National Committee. This is an unsustainable situation that needs to be addressed. As a result, membership numbers have declined by about one third and the three long-time industry members have not rewed their corporate subscriptions.
In spite of this the UKNC has been active through its secretary/treasurer in several important activities including EU Horizon 2020 MERLIN Project that focusses on upscaling wetland (including peatland) restoration, Steering committee of the Global Peatlands Initiative of United Nations Environment Programme, responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on phasing out the use of peat in horticulture in Scotland, and on supporting the IPS-funded Allan Roberton Grants for early career researchers and managers.
IPS is one of 46 partners in MERLIN with a responsibility to provide an interface with the European peat extraction and growing media industries to find if it would be possible for industry to use their expertise, experience and machinery to contribute to upscaling peatland restoration beyond the restricted limits of their normal operations.
As part of this EU project the IPS UK National Committee team contacted Westland Horticulture Ltd, a major UK peat extraction, growing media, and garden equipment company to permit a MERLIN team to have access on 20th April 2023 to Whim Moss, one of their extraction sites, in the Scottish borders. There they viewed the scientific work being conducted and the peatland restoration successes. Jack Rieley gave a presentation at the associated workshop.
Professor Rieley, a member of the IPS UK National Committee, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Global Peatlands Initiative, also represented the Society at the meeting organised by IUCN and GPI at the Marr Estate in the Highlands of Scotland in May 2023.
As usual, the IPS UK National Committee made a major contribution to the IPS Allan Robertson Grants to early career researchers and managers. In 2023 six awards of €500 were made. Over the ten years of the grant 85 have been awarded. This is a major achievement and is greatly valued by the recipients.
This is my final Annual Report to Annual Assembly since I am retiring from my roles on the Executive Board of the International Peatland Society at 17th International Peatland Congress in Tanzhou, China in August 2024.
At that time there will also need to be major changes to the operation of the UK Peatland Society to ensure its sustainability. This means others from the UK membership must step forward and take over responsibilities for member management, newsletter and other jobs. The future of this Society is in your hands, not mine.
Annual Report 2020
Producing UK Peatland News three times a year
Keeping in touch with Allan Robertson’s daughters
Publication of UK Peatland News
Contributing to AR Grants
Covid-19 has prevented any other activities or interaction
Plans for next year:
Video conference early in the new year
Establish a Work Group to consider activities during UNFCCC COP 26 in Glasgow in November 2021.
Annual Report 2019
Main Activities
- Information
- Communication
- Newsletter
- Peatland Snippets
- Peatlands International
- UK Peatland News
Other activities
- Participation in UK meetings on peatlands organized by other organizations such as IUCN UK Peatland Programme, Flow Country, and Moors to the Future
Cooperation activities with the IPS
- Jack Rieley is active on the IPS Executive Board and two Expert Groups
Plans for next year
- To hold one meeting of the UK Peatland Society
- Liaise with DEFRA over the Peatland Strategy for England
What can be improved at the IPS?
Encourage adjacent NCs to hold joint meetings for discussion, scientific meetings and planning.
Annual Report 2018
2018 was an important year for peatlands and peat not only in the UK but in Europe and the rest of the world. UK IPS members participated in numerous meetings, events and projects including:
- 9th European Ramsar Meeting in Olomouc, Czech Republic
- LIFE End of Project Conference on Humberhead Levels Peatlands in Doncaster
- IUCN UK Programme Peatland Strategy Launch in York
- IUCN UK Programme Annual Conference at Balloch, Loch Lomond, Scotland
- Mires and Peat Editorial Board meeting in Leeds
- Joint meeting of the Irish Peat Society and UK Peatland Society in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland on cross border peatlands.
- Tropical Peatland Restoration Conference in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, preceded by the Second Tropical Peatland Round Table that on Batam and Meranti Islands, Sumatra. Jack Rieley and Susan Page represented the IPS at these events.
But of course, the main event of the year was the IPS 50th Jubilee Congress that was held on the SS Rotterdam in Rotterdam Harbour in September preceded by a special Peat Summit meeting for our industry corporate members.
IPS UK Annual Subscriptions
Annual subscriptions were increased in 2017 to the following:
Individual members: £45; Corporate and institutional members: £150; Student members: £25
Most of the money raised from subscriptions is transferred to IPS in Finland to help maintain the Secretariat and its activities. A small amount from UK subscriptions is retained and put to good use for peatland projects in the UK. For the last four years we have contributed generously towards the Allan Robertson Grants for early career peatland scientists and managers and this year we also part-funded the first meeting of the Editors of the Scientific Journal Mires and Peat.
However, already we are suffering from consequences of Brexit, especially devaluation of the pound sterling by around 25% compared to its value against the Euro several years ago. This is having a major effect on the finances of the UK Peatland Society because we pay our annual subscription contribution to the IPS Secretariat in Finland in Euros. UK member subscriptions will be maintained at their current level for 2019 but if the exchange rate remains as it is or deteriorates further, they may need to be increased in 2020.
Restoring England’s largest lowland peatland – LIFE and Beyond
In 2014, funding was secured from the European Union’s LIFE+ programme to help the restoration of the Humberhead Peatlands. The project, called That’s LIFE – Restoring the Humberhead Peatlands was launched in July 2014 and continued until the end of June 2018. The project has extended the area of peat bog habitat under active restoration and provided a long-term future for the plants, birds and insects that have evolved to live on this unique wetland habitat and resulted in it being designated a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Special Protection Area (SPA). The project has also promoted research on and monitoring of the bog’s unique bird and insect populations that will help inform similar restoration projects elsewhere.
Jack Rieley attended the End of Project Conference that was held in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England in May 2018. This meeting was a celebration of everything that the project achieved, shared knowledge and best practice, and looked towards the future of bog restoration in Europe. The conference programme included presentations, workshops and site visits delivered by members of the LIFE+ Project team, project partners and bog restoration experts.
IUCN UK Peatland Programme launch of UK Peatland Strategy
The IUCN United Kingdom National Committee launched its new UK Peatland Strategy on 19th April 2018 at the Friargate Quaker Meeting House in York, England. This was followed by a reception in Grays Court Hotel, York. The event was attended by over 60 participants from many parts of the UK including Jack Rieley who represented the IPS.
The Workshop was introduced by Clifton Bain, Executive Director of the IUCN UK Peatland Programme and chaired by Rob Stoneman, Director of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. After an introduction to the UK Peatland Strategy the meeting divided into six focus groups to discuss the major strategy goals and identify possible actions needed to implement them.
The IUCN UK Peatland Programme has developed the UK’s first collaborative Peatland Strategy to capture and embed, for the long term, a shared vision for UK peatlands, helping maintain a focus across a broad partnership and allowing progress to be marked and celebrated. It encompasses all peatlands in the United Kingdom and is also of relevance to the UK Overseas Territories. It sets the context for strategic peatland action plans of the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Allan Robertson Grants awarded in 2018
The IPS received 17 applications for the Allan Robertson Grants 2018. The standard of all of them was very high. IPS Executive Board at its meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania in April 2018 awarded 8 grants of €500 each to the following:
– Hui Zhang, China
– Martha Ledger, United Kingdom
– Jerome Blewett, United Kingdom
– Henk Pieter Sterk, Netherlands
– Jasmijn E. Sybenga, Netherlands
– Kirsten Lees, United Kingdom
– Danielle Rupp, USA
– Elisa Männistö, Finland
New IPS Secretary General takes up his position on January 1st
The UK Peatland Society welcomes the appointment of the first full-time IPS Secretary General Dr Gilbert Ludwig who started his work on 1st January 2019. Dr Gilbert will spend his first year mostly travelling and getting to know our members, but also playing a major role in implementing the IPS Strategy 2016-2020, including cooperation with international conventions, bridging science and industry, improving communication and enhancing IPS’ project management.
New Executive Board elected
At the IPS Annual Assembly held on SS Rotterdam in September 2018 Professor Jack Rieley of UK was re-elected as a member of the Executive Board for the period 2018-2022. Six ordinary members were elected by secret ballot out of nine candidates, among which are, for the first time in IPS history, three women.
Flow Country in the North of Scotland is a Candidate World Heritage Site
The Flow Country of Caithness and Sutherland in the north of Scotland occupies 4000 km2. This landscape is the best blanket bog habitat of its type anywhere in the world and has been on the UK’s list of potential World Heritage Sites since 2012. The background to this and the reasons why it should be designated are explained in a recent article by Joe Perry and Roxane Andersen in Peatlands International. Two technical evaluations were submitted to UNESCO in 2013 and 2015 and a third will be finished by the end of summer 2019. This will be sent to the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and if accepted will be forwarded to UNESCO for decision.
Members of the IPS, its Executive Board and National Committees can support this proposal for World Heritage status by sending letters to Joe Perry, Project Coordinator, Flow Country World |heritage Site Working Group, Highland Council Offices, Drummuie, Golspie, Scotland, KW10 6TA, United Kingdom. DON’T DELAY!
Joint meeting of Irish Peatland Society and UK Peatland Society in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland
The Irish Peatland Society organised a joint meeting with the UK Peatland Society focussing on cross border peatlands between the Republic and Northern Ireland based in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh on 16th and 17th October.
The meeting commenced with a study visit to the Cuilcagh Legnabrocky Trail, Slieve Rushden peatland, followed by a tour of the Marble Arches cave system. This was followed by a seminar that covered the following topics: Marble Arch Geopark, Revision of the IPS Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management, Conservation Status of Peatlands in Northern Ireland, CANN and QUBBES projects, and Peatlands and Climate Change.
The invited speakers included:
- Martina O’Neil (Marble Arches Geopark)
- Jack rieley (UK Peatland Society)
- Richard Wyle (Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs)
- Francis Mackin (QUBBES Project)
- Trish Fox (CANN Project)
These presentations were followed by a question and discussion session.
It is hoped to organise a joint meeting of the Irish and UK Peatland Societies again soon. Suggestions are welcome.
England Peat Strategy Moves Forward
The UK Peatland Society (IPS) is a consultee to the preparation of the England Peat Strategy that is being coordinated by Judith Stuart, DEFRA Soils and Peatlands Policy Specialist.
The aim of the Strategy is that in 25 years all of England’s peatlands shall be functioning healthily for the needs of wildlife and people. It will be based on local partnerships reporting into local governance and national governance aligned with biodiversity and forestry strategies to ensure trade-offs are evaluated and managed. This approach will be tested in five pilot areas across England, working with Natural England and other stakeholders.
The Strategy will focus on lowland peat used for agriculture given that it is responsible for most of England’s greenhouse gas emissions from peatland. A Lowland Agricultural Peat Taskforce is being set up (as announced by the Secretary of State – that will deliver recommendations for a new more sustainable future for agriculture on lowland peatlands in England
Mires and Peat Editors’ Meeting
Mires and Peat is a peer-reviewed free-access internet journal focusing specifically on mires, peatlands, and peat. It is published jointly by the International Peatland Society (IPS) and the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG). The first meeting of the Editors of Mires and Peat was held at the University of Leeds, UK in October 2018 sponsored by the UK Peatland Society. Ten of the 12 editors attended including Olivia Bragg, Editor-in-Chief and Jack Rieley, Deputy EIC. Richard Payne, an Associate Editor also attended.
Present: Andy Baird, University of Leeds; Olivia Bragg, University of Dundee; Frank Chambers, University of Gloucestershire; Dicky Clymo, Queen Mary University of London; Stephan Glatzel, University of Vienna; Bartek Glina, University of Poznan; Ab Grootjans, University of Groningen; Richard Payne, University of York; Jack Rieley, IPS and University of Nottingham; Katy Roucoux, University of St Andrews, David Wilson, Earthy Matters Consultants. Apologies: Jonathan Price, University of Waterloo
Aims of Meeting
- To discuss the current situation of the journal with respect to use of the Online Journal System facility (OJS) provided by the University of St Andrews: Improvements to instructions for authors to include: example papers that have been done well, be more specific about what’s required, refer to the book by Dickie Clymo on how to write a scientific paper; importance of authors formatting own references; editing guide
- Number of editors:If we identify new potential editors, send names to Olivia for approval
- Future direction: Development of the journal; work towards improving quality; get informal help (e.g. proof-reading?)
- Olivia Bragg’s role / succession / sustainability: Suggestions about how to ease the work load of Olivia: recruit more editors; editors be more willing to reject papers; be more self-reliant – editorial responsibilities now clearer.
- Future editorial meetings
United States
Contact Persons
Duke Wetland Center
School of Environment
717 Anderson St.
Durham NC 27705-1013
PO Box 426
Sugar Loaf, NY 10918
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023
The US NC Member Meeting was held on 5 October 2023, attended by 6 of 24 current members. The US National Committee is considering several options to raise membership and operational funds. Meetings with the Canadian IPS are planned for early 2024 to investigate how peat retail sellers can benefit from IPS and in-turn contribute to IPS financial goals.
Annual Report 2022
The USNC-IPS held its annual meeting on 14 December 2022 via Zoom. All active members were invited and the meeting was chaired by Dr Curtis J. Richardson, with Society information presented by Secretary, Sandra Neuzil and the financial status presented by Treasurer, Rich Hendricks.
A brief update on the status of the USNC-IPS was given by the Chair. The key points covered were related to the need to attract new members, revitalize the role and contributions of the USNC-IPS to the IPS and the election of new officers for the USNC-IPS. A brief introduction was given by all attendees. During this time members were asked to make suggestions regarding how the USNC-IPS could reach out to other professional (e.g., SWS) and trade meeting groups, as well as peat companies in the USA, so as to encourage membership.
Other meetings in which the USNC-IPS could/should have a presence over the coming years was also discussed. Secretary Neuzil reported on the membership of the organisation, including corporate, individual and honorary membership, which has decreased significantly in recent years due to Covid-19 and a lack of USNC-IPS activity. A campaign to increase both corporate and individual membership was discussed, as well as student membership. Treasurer Hendricks presented the financial statement and current budget, and announced that the annual dues had been sent to the international office. Two business items were voted on at the meeting.
Firstly, an increase in the annual dues (from $30 to $50) is to be implemented in 2023 to cover international dues and local expenses. Secondly, the attending members held an election and the following officers were elected: US Chair, Dr Curtis Richardson; Secretary, Sandra Neuzil; Treasurer, Rich Hendricks. Finally, it was announced that that Chairman Richardson will attend and represent the USNC-IPS at the Reclaim, Restore and Rewild meeting in Quebec in June 2023, organised by the IPS and other organisations.