National Committee Round Table 2021

Open for all

20 April 2021 15 – 16 hrs EET (GMT+2) MS Teams National Committee Chairs and Secretaries, national representatives, Executive Board members, and observers. Invitation, link and documents sent by email on 26 March.

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4th IPS Expert Meeting

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

Virtual meeting 6 April 1-3 pm Finnish time Commission Chairs, Vice Chairs, Expert Group Coordinators and EB members only  

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Suo siellä: the changing importance of peatland culture

Open for all

Organised by the University of Eastern Finland, Kirsi Laurén 22 January 2021 (in Finnish) 10 – 14 hrs EET    

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GME: Farm-to-Fork: What role for modern horticulture?

Open for all

28 January 2021, 12:00-12:45 CET Organised by Growing Media Europe Speakers: Ulrike Müller, Member of the European Parliament Moritz Böcking, Managing Director at Klasmann-Deilmann Allan Buckwell, Research Director at RISE Foundation Chris Davies, Moderator, Senior Advisor at Rud Pedersen...

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Kekkilä-BVB Grow21 Festival

Open for all

9-11 Feb 2021 Three days of inspiring talks, exciting insights and future innovations. This is the online event for the green industry to come together to discuss and develop horticulture and gardening towards a more sustainable future. 30 experts from...

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EB Spring Meeting 2021

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

19 March 2021 15 – 17 hrs EET online meeting EB members only

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RRR2021 Renewable resources from wet and rewetted peatlands

Open for all

Virtual conference week 9 – 11 March 2021 In the light of the Paris Agreement and the necessity to reduce all anthropogenic CO2 emissions globally to net zero around the year 2050, peatland rewetting and innovative land use concepts...

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Finnish Peatland Society Autumn Seminar 2020

Open for all

Zoom 4 December 2020 (in Finnish) 9.10 Kristiina Regina, Luonnonvarakeskus: agriculture on peatlands 9.30 Paavo Ojanen, University of Helsinki, peatland forestry management 9.50 Hannu Salo, Bioenergia ry.: structural change of the peat production sector 10.10 Eerika Tapio, Metsähallitus: restoration...

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SAB Meeting Feb 2021

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

Scientific Advisory Board virtual meeting; 12 – 14 hrs EET (Helsinki)  

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IUCN UK Peatland Programme Conference 2020

Open for all

Peatlands: From Strategy to Action Virtual Event 7 – 10 December 2020 With the growing urgency of the climate and biodiversity emergencies and the role for nature-based solutions in mind this conference will look at taking peatland strategy to...

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