A Decision Support System for Degraded and Abandoned Peatlands – A Tool for Balancing Options in Peatland Management

Andreas Haberl, Michael Succow, Susanne Abel, Hans Joosten

Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress


decision-support-system, fire-prevention, ghg-emission-mitigation, peatland-degradation, peatland-management

Haberl et al 2012:


Theme I.  Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands


Within a BMU ICI project (International Climate Initiative of the German Ministry for Environmental Protection) a decision support system (DSS) for degraded and abandoned peatland sites in the European part of the Russian Federation has been developed. The DSS presents possible management and utilisation options to help decision makers in identifying priority sites and strategies. It aims at wise decision making with respect to the management of degraded and abandoned peatlands, and pays special attention to CO2 emission reduction.
The DSS is designed as a brochure (in English and Russian) and downloadable from URL: http://www.succow-stiftung.de/broschueren.html.With its general approach, the tool has a broad applicability beyond the Russian Federation.