Drainage Effects on Labile Organic Carbon Fraction in Top Layers of Peatlands

Kalisz Barbara, Lachacz Andrzej, Glazewski Roman

Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress


muck-forming-process-introduction, organic-soil, soil-organic-carbon-labile-organic-carbon

Kalisz et al 2012: Drainage Effects on Labile Organic Carbon Fraction in Top Layers of Peatlands


Theme III. Agricultural use of peat and peatlands


Labile organic carbon fraction is cycling fast in the environment. One of labile organic carbon compounds is carbon extracted with hot and cold water. Water-extractable organic carbon does not include all labile organic compounds. However, it is a good indicator of peatland organic matter quality. The studied peatland had undergone the process of organic matter transformation, known as muck-forming process. During this process, intense mineralization and humification of organic matter took place. The contents of cold and hot water-extractable organic carbon fractions were up to 1% of total organic carbon. The results of the study proved that water-extractable carbon fraction is a good indicator of changes in peatlands.