Five-Year Height Growth of Norway Spruce Advance Regeneration Following Cutting of Sall Canopy Openings in a Spruce Mire

Hannu Hökkä, Jaakko Repola

Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress


canopy-opening, height-growth, picea-abies, spruce-mire

Hökkä, Repola 2012: Five-Year Height Growth of Norway Spruce Advance Regeneration Following Cutting of Sall Canopy Opening


Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands


We studied the early height growth of Norway spruce advance regeneration in one experimental stand in northern Finland where canopy openings were cut with three different diameters (10 m, 15 m and 20 m). The experimental design included four blocks in which the cuttings were made with 2 – 4 replicates. Altogether 386 advance growth trees were measured for total height in spring 2005 and spring 2010. Average five-year height growths were 13.7, 14.6, and 12.9 cm, in the 10, 15, and 20 m openings, respectively. The opening size was non-significant but the interaction between size and tree height in 2005 was significantly explaining growth.