Major and Trace Elements in Humic Acids From Raised Bog Peat Profiles in Latvia

Diana Dudare, Maris Klavins

Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress


humic-acids, peat, trace-and-major-elements, x-ray-fluorescence-spectroscopy

Dudare, Klavins 2012: Major and Trace Elements in Humic Acids From Raised Bog Peat Profiles in Latvia


Theme IV. Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat


Major and trace element concentrations in peat profiles support the concept of using element concentration records to track regional and global environmental pollution problems, owing to peat ability to accumulate elements. In our study we have selected two raised bogs with contrasting lithology, consequently, peat composition, as indicated by elemental composition. The aim of our study was to assign major and trace element distribution in humic acids (HA) for two well characterized raised bog peat profiles of Eipurs and Dzelve Bog and analyse factors affecting element concentration in peat humic acids, relating to element concentration in peat. The content of 17 elements was determined in humic acids of Dzelve and Eipurs Bogs. Our study indicates the impact of human – induced pollution on element concentrations in the upper layers of the studied bogs, both in humic substances and in peat.