Peatlands International 1.2023


art, china, congress, cspma, degradation, environment, erosion, executive-board, finland, fire, greenhouse-gas-emissions, horticulture, merlin, mires-and-peat, mushroom-casing, peat-reduction, peatlands, rewetting, scientific-officer, society, sphagnum-farming



Peatlands International 1.2023 was published and sent to all IPS members by email on 19 April 2023.

Topics of the issue included:

Editorial: From the Desk of the new IPS Scientific Officer
Open Letter of the IPS Commission Peatlands and the Environment
Up North – The IPS Executive Board’s Visit to Jyväskylä
Launch of a New Global Standard to Measure Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Peatlands
Sphagnumfarm Barver: Lessons learned
GHG emissions from the extraction and use of peat in mushroom casing soil compared to the agricultural use of peatlands and their direct rewetting
Discussion on peat reduction at IPM fair
The MERLIN project is mainstreaming restoration in former peat extraction sites in Finland
Sphagnum farming in Canada: a first synthesis of knowledge
Sphagnum fiber as a tool to mitigate coastal erosion
Activities 2022 of the IPS Commission Peatlands and Society
Degradation classification – and fire on peatlands
Early-stage vegetation dynamics of rewetted peatlands
CSPMA successful partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada
New articles in Mires and Peat
Perspectives and Perceptions: The Art of Peatlands in Time
New Members of the IPS
17th International Peatland Congress in Taizhou, China
Peat and Peatland Events
Next issue…