Studies on the Bimodal Effect of Humic Substances in the Blood Clotting System

Hans-Peter Klöcking and Renate Klöcking

Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress


bimodal-effect, blood-coagulation, humic-substances, thrombelastography

Klöcking 2012: Studies on the Bimodal Effect of Humic Substances in the Blood Clotting System


Theme IV. Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat


This study was performed in order to evaluate the dose-dependent effect of different humic acid (HA) preparations on blood coagulation. Using the thrombelastographic method we examined HA from Altteich Peat (Eastern Saxony, Germany), sodium humate from an ombrotrophic mire in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, and the IHSS Reference HA from Waskish Peat (Minnesota, USA). The results revealed a strikingly bimodal behaviour of the tested HA: at high concentrations (250-1000 μg/ml) they prolong the reaction time, i.e. the period of time necessary until the beginning of clot formation, by two- to twelvefold (anticoagulant effect) whereas they at low concentrations (0.9-31.3 μg/ml) tend to reduce the reaction time by an average of 25 % (procoagulant effect).