IPS Annual Convention 2025

Gysinge, Sweden
Open for all
Gysinge Herrgård, Benedicks väg, Gysinge, Sweden

Annual Meetings, Seminar and Excursion

Peatlands for Environment, Economy and Society

9-12 June 2025
Gysinge, Sweden

Enjoy the week before bright Midsummer in Sweden, together with professionals, scientists and students from all peatland and peat related disciplines, e.g. forestry, agriculture, peat extraction, after-use and restoration, climate reporting, politics and society.

The IPS Convention offers a unique possibility to network, meet new people and show your research results in a relaxed and open atmosphere in the beautiful Swedish countryside. Peatland excursions, free time activities and company visits complete the programme. Do not miss this unique opportunity!


Call for abstracts

We welcome abstracts for oral or poster presentations until 21 March 2025. Please register your presentation and upload your abstract here

Abstract submission form

The abstracts will be reviewed by the IPS Scientific Advisory Board and published in the book of abstracts. The presentation time is 15 min followed by 5 min for questions/discussions. The poster format should not exceed A1 size.


 Boardwalk in Abisko National Park by Mats Hagwall.


Preliminary programme




Welcome to the IPS Annual Convention 2025 in Gysinge/Sweden!

Please read the information on the individual convention items before you book your participation in the event:

Registration form



You can benefit from a reduced rate when you are a member of IPS. Not yet a member? Join us and take advantage of the reduced rates!

Convention package

The package price (9-12 June) includes the convention fee with access to the opening and closing reception, keynote lectures, scientific sessions, the welcome reception with locally produced food, as well as entrance to the exhibit hall, business meetings and the annual assembly. All meals (daily morning and afternoon coffee breaks, four lunches and two dinners with three-courses) are provided as a part of the registration fee.

Not included: The half-day-excursions, boat trip on and hiking tour along Dalälven, beer tasting and post-convention-excursion require advance signup and an additional fee.

Full Fee IPS member 6200 kr   559€ (non-member 7500 kr)
Student IPS member 3500 kr   315€ (non-member 4200 kr)
Accompanying person 3900 kr   351€


A one-day-registration (9, 10, 11 or 12 June) gives you access to all events and all meals that are taking place only on the one day you selected.

Not included: The half-day-excursions, boat trip on and hiking tour along Dalälven, beer tasting and post-convention-excursion require advance signup and an additional fee.

If you want to attend sessions on multiple days, you need to buy a full conference registration.

500-1800 kr   45-162€ per day for members, for other options see the registration form above


Swedish landscape by Max Muselmann (not Gysinge)



Business meetings

If you need a room for your business meetings please write to sabine.jordan@peatlands.org


You are welcome to showcase your products or arts, please contact sabine.jordan@peatlands.org for options.

Become a sponsor

To contribute to the IPS Annual Convention 2025 as a sponsor and have your name visible on congress items, do not hesitate to write:  sabine.jordan@peatlands.org


Kanelbullar by Daniel Masajada.



Half-day excursions 11 June 13:15-18:00

Together with researchers and stakeholders from the region, the excursions will introduce the participants to the geographical and geobotanical-ecological conditions of mires and peatlands and their special features in the forest area south of the “Limes Norrlandicus” (Northland border), which is characterised by plains, coniferous forests, peatlands and large gravel and sand eskers. Peatland utilisation, the development of the peatlands as well as their ecosystemic effects will be discussed. This also involves the associated changes in the structure of the post-glacial (cultural) landscape.

The half-day-excursions include “fika” as part of their additional registration fee.

The excursions can also be booked by accompanying persons. Please provide yourself with mosquito and tick repellent.

Excursion fee: 490 kr    45€ incl. transport with busses and fika

Excursion 1: Natural raised bog
Jordbärsmuren – one of Svealand’s largest natural and treeless raised bogs
Bog development, characterization of Sphagnum mosses and other mire vegetation
Rubber boots needed
Walking distance: 3 km through forest, lagg and bog

Excursion 2: Agricultural used peatlands
Broddbo (SLU long-term field experiments on fen peat) and “Bälinge mossar” (collective name for fens and bogs in the area)
Investigations into subsidence processes and peat shrinkage, trafficability, greenhouse gas measurements, cultivation trials, rewetting
Stable shoes needed
Walking distance: 500 m

Excursion 3: Drained peatland used for forestry and ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) research infrastructure
Aspects on greenhouse gas emissions related to ditch-distance and visit of a European research infrastructure to quantify and understand the greenhouse gas balance of forest-ecosystems
Stable shoes needed
Walking distance: 500 m

Excursion 4: Peat extraction and restoration
Norrbo and Gråtängerna
Visit of industrial facilities, extraction fields and rewetted areas
Stable shoes needed
Walking distance: 500 m

Excursion 5: Eskers, bogs, springs and spring fens
Östa Stormossen (Natura 2000), Enköping esker, “Ingbo källor” nature reserve
From natural bog over esker morphology and beaches along the Dalälven to spring water with distinctive blue-green colour
Stable shoes needed
Walking distance: 1500 m

Cattle in Sweden by Christian Widell


Activities on 10 June

For the free time between 16:00-18:30 you have the following activities (extra fee) to choose:

1. Boat trips on Dalälven
Ride with the boat ”Svanen” on Dalälven (2 h; 12 persons) 700 kr
Video: https://youtu.be/i_nVfkJTLts


Canoeing in a large boat with steersman on Dalälven (2 h; 18 persons): With the help of a steersman, one half of the crew paddles while the other half is inactive. You can switch at any time if you wish. If you absolutely don’t want to paddle, you can sit back on the boat the whole time and enjoy the ride. 700 kr   63€

2. Visitor Centre Naturum (without fee): Learn about the genesis of the landscape and the historical utilisation of the nature and its resources. Guided tour with time for own round tour. 0€

3. Sauna (without fee)
Enjoy the sauna with a view of the Dalälven and a dip in the cool water. 0€

For the free time between 20:30-22:00 you have the following activities (extra fee) to choose from:

1. Hike
Follow our ranger on a nature hiking tour along the Dalälven river during a bright summer night. 350 kr   32€

2. Beer tasting
Let’s discover together a unique range of craft beers (IPA, “Brukslager”, Red Ale, Dark Lager, Pale Ale, Stout) from a local brewery. Led by expert brewers, you’ll experience the aromas, flavours and stories behind each beer. Snacks will be served. 500 kr   45€

3. Sauna (without fee)
Enjoy the sauna with a view of the Dalälven and a dip in the cool water. 0€


Abisko National Park by Elle Leontiev.

Post Convention Excursion to Lapland

Mires and peatlands in Väster- and Norrbotten County, Northern Sweden
12 – 17 June 2025

Preliminary excursion programme (PDF)

Number of participants: 8-24
Costs: ca 11000 kr    991€ (non-member 12000 kr)

Registration form

Sweden in summer by Jessica Pamp.


Arrival and departure

Bus 801 runs every 30 minutes from Arlanda airport to Uppsala Central Station (time table). Tickets cost 117 kr (11€) and can be purchased on board or at How to Buy Tickets – UL

On 9 and on 12 June 2025 a bus shuttle will be organised from Uppsala Central Station to Gysinge and return. In a couple of weeks we will send out a new inquiry about your request for seat booking.

Alternative travelling to Gysinge:
Train Arlanda-Uppsala-Gävle (www.sj.se) and bus 41, 47 or 49 from Gävle Central Station to Gysinge.

Uppsala Taxi 100 000 / +46 18 100 000

Peatland by Nicholas Selman



The meetings will be held at Gysinge Herrgard. We have reserved the entire venue from 9 until 12 June 2025.

Please book your accommodation according to your wishes at info.gysingeherrgard@julahotell.se and use the booking code IPS090625. Should you arrive earlier or stay longer, just check availability and prices with the hotel.

Single room incl. breakfast: 1 226 kr  110€ / night
Double room (double or twin beds) incl. breakfast: 1 674 kr   151€ / night

Family rooms and caravan spaces with access to a service centre with showers and toilets and fresh water refill can also be booked. Please ask via the above email address.

You can also bring a tent and camp in the close by national park: Färnebofjärden National Park



Swedish Peat Research Foundation (TorvForsk),
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
International Peatland Society (IPS)
Contact: sabine.jordan@peatlands.org

Note that all participants are responsible for their own travel, visa, health, insurance and accommodation arrangements.


See you in Sweden!

Photo by Daniel Welsh