Annual Meetings, Seminar and Excursion
Peatlands for Environment, Economy and Society
9-12 June 2025
Gysinge, Sweden
9 June:
Scientific Advisory Board meeting
Executive Board meeting
Annual Assembly of National Representatives
Preliminary programme
Post Convention Excursion to Lapland
12 – 17 June 2025
For the preliminary programme, see (PDF)
Half-day excursions 11 June 2025 13:15-18:00
Together with researchers and stakeholders from the region, the excursions will introduce the participants to the geographical and geobotanical-ecological conditions of mires and peatlands and their special features in the forest area south of the “Limes Norrlandicus” (Northland border), which is characterised by plains, coniferous forests, peatlands and large gravel and sand eskers. Peatland utilisation, the development of the peatlands as well as their ecosystemic effects will be discussed. This also involves the associated changes in the structure of the post-glacial (cultural) landscape.
The excursions can also be booked by accompanying persons. Please provide yourself with mosquito and tick repellent.
Excursion fee: 490 SEK incl. transport with busses and fika
Excursion 1: Natural raised bog
Jordbärsmuren – one of Svealand’s largest natural and treeless raised bogs
Bog development, characterization of Sphagnum mosses and other mire vegetation
Rubber boots needed
Walking distance: 3 km through forest, lagg and bog
Excursion 2: Agricultural used peatlands
Broddbo (SLU long-term field experiments on fen peat) and “Bälinge mossar” (collective name for fens and bogs in the area)
Investigations into subsidence processes and peat shrinkage, trafficability, greenhouse gas measurements, cultivation trials, rewetting
Stable shoes needed
Walking distance: 500 m
Excursion 3: Drained peatland used for forestry and ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) research infrastructure
Aspects on greenhouse gas emissions related to ditch-distance and visit of a European research infrastructure to quantify and understand the greenhouse gas balance of forest-ecosystems
Stable shoes needed
Walking distance: 500 m
Excursion 4: Peat extraction and restoration
Norrbo and Gråtängerna
Visit of industrial facilities, extraction fields and rewetted areas
Stable shoes needed
Walking distance: 500 m
Excursion 5: Eskers, bogs, springs and spring fens
Östa Stormossen (Natura 2000), Enköping esker, “Ingbo källor” nature reserve
From natural bog over esker morphology and beaches along the Dalälven to spring water with distinctive blue-green colour
Stable shoes needed
Walking distance: 1500 m
More information will be published soon. Registration opens in February and lasts until March.
Photos of Gysinge by Andreas Bauerochse
See you in Sweden!