IUCN UK Peatland Programme Conference 2021

Open for all

‘Peatlands in Partnership: a road to recovery’ 13 – 16 September 2021 Pennine PeatLIFE, led by the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership in collaboration with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and Forest of Bowland AONB Partnership, and...

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Peatlands Gathering 2021 Ireland

Ireland and online
Open for all

Peatlands gathering 2021: a new beginning Natural Capital Ireland 7 – 9 October 2021 Virtual conference and field trips The Peatlands Gathering 2021 is organised by a collective of peatland community representatives, practitioners, researchers and specialists.

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Executive Board meeting 119

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

MS Teams 18 August 2021, 17 – 19 hrs EEST (new time!) EB members only

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Executive Board meeting 118

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

MS Teams 15 July 2021, 16 – 18 hrs EEST EB members only  

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Peatland Restoration 2021

Jyväskylä & online
Open for all

Peatland Restoration worldwide – where do we stand in 2021? An IPS webinar on the occasion of UN World Environment Day, World Peatlands Day World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to...

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EB meeting 117

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

Online, 17 June 2021, 16-18 hrs EEST EB members only  

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Annual Assembly of National Representatives 2022

Jyväskylä & online
Open for all

Virtual meeting, MS Teams 8 June 2022 Participants: Representatives of National Committees authorised by proxies, Executive Board and observers. The official invitation and all documents were sent to all National Committee Chairs and Secretaries on 26 April. To attend...

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Executive Board Meeting 116

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

11 May 16-18 hrs EEST, 13 hrs UTC Virtual meeting EB members only Item: Secretary General recruitment  

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Executive Board Meeting 115

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

12 April 2021 16- 18 hrs EET (GMT+2) online meeting EB members only, agenda sent on 8 April

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General Assembly & Annual Assembly of National Representatives 2021

For Members

6 May 2021 15 – 16:30 hrs EET (GMT+2) via www.peatlandcongress2021.com General Assembly: all IPS members, congress participants, observers Annual Assembly: National representatives (authorized by proxies), Executive Board members, and observers (register by email to the Secretariat by 23...

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