Finnish NC: Spring meeting & seminar 2024

For Members

Suoseuran kevätkokous ja seminaari Zoom meeting 25 April 2024

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DGMT Forest Peatlands Conference

Laussnitz, Germany
Open for all

DGMT and NABU Documentation, protection and rewetting of forest peatlands in the Radeburg-Laußnitzer Heide (in German) Laußnitz, Bautzen, Germany 20 – 22 September 2024  

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UN Climate Change Conference COP29

Baku, Azerbaijan
Open for all

UNFCCC COP29 Baku, Azerbaijan 11 – 22 November 2024

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DGMT Mires and Peat Excursion 2024

Zeven, Germany
Open for all

Seminar und Exkursion zu Moor und Torf (in German) Fully booked! Zeven, Germany 19 – 20 April 2024  

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German National Committee Annual Meeting 2024

Gross Hesepe, Germany
Open for all

Jahresversammlung der DGMT e.V. (in German) Emsland Moormuseum, Gross Hesepe, Germany 6 – 8 June 2024  

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UN Convention on Biodiversity COP16

Cali, Colombia
For Members

2024 UN Biodiversity Conference #COP16  Cali, Colombia 21 October – 1 November 2024

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Executive Board workshop on funding and president positions

Helsinki, Finland
For Members

Helsinki Airport, 11 April 2024 EB members only  

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Functioning and rehabilitation of European mountain peatlands

Bois-d'Amont, France
Open for all

15 – 17 May 2024 Target audience: European managers and researchers Languages: French and English (interpreters) Programme under construction : Wednesday 15 May: indoor presentations Thursday 16 May: site visits and conference in the evening Friday 17 May: morning...

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II International Symposium on Growing Media, Compost Utilization and Substrate Analysis for Soilless Cultivation

Freising, Germany
Open for all

7 – 12 September 2025 Mark the date! ISHS-IPS Symposium (planned)

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Executive Board meeting 139

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

13 February 2024 MS Teams EB members only

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