Executive Board meeting 126

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

Virtually, 16-18 hrs EET EB members only

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Science Symposium PERG & SER-EC

Québec City, Canada
Open for all

6-7 April 2022 Université Laval Quebec City, QC, Canada This scientific symposium will bring together for the first time the Peatland Ecology Research Group (PERG) and the SER-EC, i.e., the brand new chapter for Eastern Canada from the Society...

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Executive Board meeting 125

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

MS Teams 9 March 2022, 16-18 hrs EET EB members only The agenda will be sent in week 8.  

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Finnish Webinar Series: Peat, Science and the Future

Helsinki & online
Open for all

Turve, tiede ja tulevaisuus webinar series by Luke, Natural Resources Institute Finland 27 January: Peatland agriculture 4 February: Peatland forests 10 February: Peat and alternatives See the event link above for details (in Finnish) and to register.

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Executive Board Meeting 124

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

25 January 2022 16-18 hrs EET MS Teams, members only

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National Committee Round Table 2022

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

The National Committee Round Table for NC Chairs and Secretaries as well as Executive Board and Scientific Advisory Board members will be held on 21 February via MS Teams. Agenda items are the future of the IPS, including funding...

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Emissions from LULUCF – What does that mean for peatlands?

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

16 December 2021 15:00-16:30 hrs EET 14:00-15:30 CET The webinar will inform IPS members on current and future legislation for LULUCF emission accounting in the EU. Join the meeting via MS Teams: https://bit.ly/ipslulucf Programme: 1) Opening Marko Pomerants, IPS...

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Corporate Briefing COP26

Jyväskylä & online
For Members

IPS corporate coffee hour COP26 – What have we achieved in Glasgow? 25 November 2021 Members only Link sent by email  

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Executive Board meeting 122

Jyväskylä & online
Open for all

16 November 2021 MS Teams members only  

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Finnish Peatland Society – Annual Fall meeting 2021

Helsinki & online
For Members

Zoom Meeting 13 December 2021 9:15 EET Link sent to members by email  

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