Keywords: biomass

Exploring novel microbial lignocellulosic enzymes from Indonesia peatland and herbivores for conversion of oil palm empty fruit bunch to biofuel
SUMMARY As the world’s number one producer of palm oil, the palm oil industry in Indonesia produces more than...

The co-firing experience: the use of peat and biomass for electricity generation in Ireland
Sarawak is blessed with abundant natural resources and rich biodiversity. Home to lush tropical rainforests and diverse species of...

Biomass recovery in secondary mixed swamp forest, Coastal Riau, Indonesia
SUMMARY APRIL group operates a half million ha of fiber plantation and restoration licenses on peatland in coastal Riau....

Development of sustainable aquaculture in an Irish cutaway peatland: a nature-based approach
Cutaway peatlands are a product of peat harvesting. Deciding on the most appropriate after use of these cutaway peatlands...

The Balance and Utilization of Finnish National Peat Biomass Resources
Theme X. Peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes SUMMARY 4.8 mill. hectares of Finnish peatlands have been...

Paludiculture – Agricultural Use of Rewetted Fen Peatlands in North Eeast Germany
Theme III. Agricultural use of peat and peatlands SUMMARY Mainstream land use of peatlands requires drainage, which causes severe...

Using Biomass as Substitute for Peat – Examples for Wet Peatland Management (Paludiculture) in Belarus
Theme II. Peat for horticulture, energy and other uses SUMMARY The wet and sustainable utilisation of degraded and abandoned...

Estimation of Nickel Distribution in Mire Vegetation on Olkiluoto Island
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY We estimated distribution of stable nickel (Ni) in...