Keywords: China
18.09.2024 12:45
Peatlands International 3.2023
Peatlands International 3.2023 was published and sent to all IPS members by email on 12 October 2023. Members receive...
31.05.2024 11:54
Peatlands International 1.2023
Peatlands International 1.2023 was published and sent to all IPS members by email on 19 April 2023. Topics of...
19.06.2019 12:23
Restoration of high altitude peatlands in Ruoergai Plateau, China
The peatlands of the Ruoergai Plateau in Sichuan and Gansu Provinces in China cover about 350,000 ha and are...
19.06.2019 12:09
Let China open the new life of activity in peat industry
SUMMARY Peat, which is given by God to human beings as the natural substrate for the activity of opening...
19.06.2019 12:07
China: The next huge peat and growing media market in the world
SUMMARY The demand for peat for different uses in China is estimated according to the crop area and...