Keywords: dissolved organic carbon
Dissolved organic carbon (doc) in peat water suggests limit to decomposition
SUMMARY The majority of Carbon studies on peats focus on soil carbon. It is rare to examine the amounts...
Effect of drainage on the carbon loss from soil ecosystems in tropical peatlands of central Kalimantan
SUMMARY Effect of drainage on the carbon loss from soil ecosystems in tropical peatlands had been conducted at two...
Change of water chemistry (dissolved organic carbon) with frequent peat fires in Indonesian peatland
SUMMARY Tropical peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia had been considered to be one of the most important parts...
Effects of water table fluicuations on dissolved organic carbon concentrations in a oil palm plantation in tropical peatlands
Peatlands are the largest source of soil carbon and some other major soil nutrients. The continuous functioning of these...
Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Balance of a Northern Boreal Fen – Contribution of Import and Export of Aquatic Transport
Theme X. Peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes SUMMARY Aquatic export has been recognized as a significant...
How Important is the Evasion Flux Term in the Carbon and GHG Balance of Peatlands?
Theme X. Peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes SUMMARY Instantaneous measurements of gas exchange from flowing surface...