Keywords: drainage

Comparison of several studies on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from peat soil
SUMMARY Peatlands are the most important ecosystems in the global carbon cycle as they store significant amounts of carbon...

Peatland simulator connecting drainage, nutrient cycling, forest growth, economy and ghg efflux in boreal and tropical peatlands
SUMMARY We built and applied peatland simulator Susi that allows simultaneous assessment of economic benefits and adverse environmental effects...

Spatial distribution of GHG sinks and sources in forestrydrained boreal peatlands
SUMMARY Boreal peatlands contribute significantly to the global carbon store and have a major role in global greenhouse gas...

Effect of drainage on the carbon loss from soil ecosystems in tropical peatlands of central Kalimantan
SUMMARY Effect of drainage on the carbon loss from soil ecosystems in tropical peatlands had been conducted at two...

Landscape heterogeneity of dissolved organic varbpon (DOC) concentrations within tropical peat landscapes and links to heavy metal mobilisation
Tropical peatlands are globally significant carbon stores. To date, many studies have shown the impact of conversion of peat...

Change of water chemistry (dissolved organic carbon) with frequent peat fires in Indonesian peatland
SUMMARY Tropical peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia had been considered to be one of the most important parts...

Forestry use of Boreal peatlands– challenges and possibilities
SUMMARY Approximately 15 million ha of peatland have been drained to improve forest growth. Most of this area is...

key agro-environmental management of tropical peatland
SUMMARY Sarawak, like many peatland sites throughout Southeast Asia is currently faced by challenges because of the needs for...

Lodge active raised bog project – success after 5 years
Scientists describe a timeline of successful raised bog restoration following re-wetting. First, physical change – increased water levels and...

Developing a peatland management portal for priority upland habitats in the UK
The UK’s extensive peatland resource is a key component of the nation’s carbon storage and sequestration facility, as well...