Keywords: drained peatland

19.06.2019 12:44
GIS – peatland mapping based on discontinuous data – The example of northern Jutland (DFenmark)
The Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from drained peatland, especially in peatlandrich countries (e.g. Iceland, Finland, the Baltics, Indonesia and...

19.06.2019 12:01
Model-based assessment of sediment control structures in a drained peatland forest catchmentr
Sediment loads released after ditch network maintenance (DNM) are addressed in operational peatland forestry by implementing sediment control structures...

19.06.2019 12:33
Uncertainties in the terms of the greenhouse gas budget of a hemiboreal forest on a drained peatland
Theme X. Peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes Abstract The complete greenhouse gas budget of a hemiboreal...

19.06.2019 12:20
Vegetation Succession in Prepared Microsites in Drained Peatland Forest Regeneration Areas
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY In this study the aim behind monitoring vegetation changes was...

19.06.2019 12:59
Assessment of Climate Impact of Energy Peat Utilisation Scenatios From a Life Cycle Perspective – Importance of Peatland Type, Production Method and Aftertreatment
Theme II. Peat for horticulture, energy and other uses SUMMARY This study presents updated calculations of the climate impact...