Keywords: evapotranspiration
19.06.2019 12:48
Hydrologic effects of size and location of harvesting on a large drained pine forest on organic soils
A calibrated DRAINWAT model was used to evaluate long -term hydrologic effects of conversion to agriculture of a 30...
19.06.2019 12:19
Is Ditch Network Maintenance Invariably Needed After Thinning?
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY Water levels and tree growth were studied in three Scots...
19.06.2019 12:18
CanTree Stand Water Use Compensate for Maintenance of Ditch Networks in Peatlands? Implications From Water Balance Measurements
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY We estimated evapotranspiration of forest vegetation during the growing seasons...