Keywords: Geochemistry
19.06.2019 12:33
Spatial differences in hydrologic and geochemical characteristics across a temperate coastal plain peatland: the great dismal swamp, USA
INTRODUCTION Spatial differences in hydrologic and geochemical characteristics across forested peatlands can control the distribution of wetland species and...
19.06.2019 12:46
After-use of Finnish cut-away peatlands: recent land-use trends and geology as a planning tool
The area covered by peatlands in Finland is 8.9 million hectares. Approximately 60,000 ha are currently in peat production...
19.06.2019 12:07
Application of Multidimentional Statistical Methods in Analyses of Peat Geochemical Features
Theme IV. Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat SUMMARY Multidimensional statistical methods provide the best way to analyse...
19.06.2019 12:52
Simple Geochemical Characteristics of Peat in Reconstructing Peatland History
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY Thanks to their unique physical, chemical and biological...
19.06.2019 12:51
Re-thinking the Record: Accumulation of Radiometric Tracers and Other Atmospherically Supplied Elements in Peatlands
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY The past decade has seen a rapid increase...