19.06.2019 12:54
In vitro investigations on the effect of peat humic substances on inflammation

With the objective of understanding the role of humic substances in inflammation, the influence of humic and fulvic acids...

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19.06.2019 12:43
Characterization of peat humic substances from Latvia

The acidity, elemental, functional and spectral characteristics of peat humic substances isolated from peat of different origin in Latvia...

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19.06.2019 12:22
Comparison of Methods for Total Community DNA Extraction from Tropical Peatland

Theme IX. Tropical peatlands SUMMARY Soil DNA extraction is usually complicated by the co-purified contaminants especially humic substances, which...

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19.06.2019 12:16
The UV-B Protective Effect of Humic Substances Provide the Basis for the Development of a Peat Lipstick

Theme VI. Balnelogical, medicinal and therapeutical use of peat SUMMARY Humic acids (HA) known for their antiviral and UV-B...

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19.06.2019 12:07
Studies on the Bimodal Effect of Humic Substances in the Blood Clotting System

Theme IV. Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat SUMMARY This study was performed in order to evaluate the...

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19.06.2019 12:05
Investigations of the Sorption of Radionuclides by Raised Bog Peat

Theme IV. Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat SUMMARY This study examines the sorption of radionuclides 137Cs, 55Fe,...

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