Keywords: nutrients

19.06.2019 12:33
Spatial differences in hydrologic and geochemical characteristics across a temperate coastal plain peatland: the great dismal swamp, USA
INTRODUCTION Spatial differences in hydrologic and geochemical characteristics across forested peatlands can control the distribution of wetland species and...

19.06.2019 12:17
Use of Brash Mats for Clearfelling of Forestry on Peat: Irish Experience
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY In Irish clearfelling practice, a brash mat, consisting of small...

19.06.2019 12:17
Assessment of the Impact of Phased Felling on the Ecological Quality of First Order Streams and Subsequently Salmonid Rivers
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY Little is known about the impacts of forestry clearfelling and...

19.06.2019 12:08
The Variation of the Amount of Inorganic Constituents in Some Common Mire Plants During the Vegetative Season
Theme IV. Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat SUMMARY Seasonal changes in the inorganic elements of the mire...

19.06.2019 12:40
Nutrient enrichment changes the nature of invertebrate food webs in raised bog pools
Drainage and increased atmospheric nitrogen and sulphur deposition results in increased nutrient availability in naturally nutrient-poor bogs. To study...