Keywords: organic matter

Seasonal and interannual variations of dissolved organic matter composition in the groundwater of tropical peat under oil palm plantation management
SUMMARY Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is the most reactive fraction of natural organic matter, of which composition reflects...

Comparison of chemical characteristics of dissolved organic matter in river water flowing through peatlands in Sarawak, Malaysia and eastern Hokkaido, Japan
SUMMARY Composition and structural characteristics of dissolved organic matter in river water were compared between tropical (Sarawak, Malaysia)...

The effect of nitrogen fertilization on soil n2o emissions from oil palm cultivation on deep peat
The addition of nitrogen (N) fertilizer in Histosols is suspected to increase soil organic matter oxidation and nitrous oxide...

Vulnerability of soil organic matter in anthropogenically disturbed organic soils
Drained peatlands are hotspots of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from agriculture. However, there is a high variability of the...

How to assess cutover peatland regeneration with combined organic matter indicators ?
When restored, cutover peatlands can favour biodiversity and carbon (C) sequestration. Within the EU pro- gram RECIPE, we aimed...

Impact of Solvent on the Elution Rates of Organic Matter From the Secondary Transformed Peat-Moorsh Soils
Theme III. Agricultural use of peat and peatlands SUMMARY The rates of organic matter elution in soil samples from...