Keywords: peat

Remote sensing as a tool for mapping and evaluating peatlands and peatland carbon stock in northern Finland
SUMMARY The rates of greenhouse gas fluxes in northern peatlands are a sum of complex interactions between climate, temperature,...

Profiling water table depth and soil moisture in a drained peat swamp hosting oil palm
Oil palm is a crop highly valued for its oil. Land conversion to host oil palm is proceeding rapidly...

The co-firing experience: the use of peat and biomass for electricity generation in Ireland
Sarawak is blessed with abundant natural resources and rich biodiversity. Home to lush tropical rainforests and diverse species of...

Towards attaining high yields and long term sustainability of second generation oil palm plants on peat in north Sumatera, Indonesia – The Asian Agri experience
Asian Agri‘s planting of Gen-1 oil palms on peat commenced in 1991. Due to lack of experience with peat,inadequate...

Let China open the new life of activity in peat industry
SUMMARY Peat, which is given by God to human beings as the natural substrate for the activity of opening...

Impact of mineral nutrition management on Ganoderma incidence in oil palm planted on peat soil
SUMMARY The basal stem rot (BSR) disease of oil palm due to Ganoderma fungus is seriously threatening oil palm...

Best management practices for sustainable development palm planting on peat: TH plantations Berhad’s experience
SUMMARY Claims were made that oil palm development on peat is not sustainable due to the impact on the...

China: The next huge peat and growing media market in the world
SUMMARY The demand for peat for different uses in China is estimated according to the crop area and...