Keywords: remote sensing
19.06.2019 12:25
Utilizing remote sensing technology for land cover mapping in peatland areas
SUMMARY Sarawak peatland covers 1.64 million hectares (ha). Up-to-date land cover information for peat areas is urgently needed to...
19.06.2019 12:13
Combination of PALSAR-2 and SPOT-6 images for estimating aboveground biomass of swamp ecosystem in Malaysia
SUMMARY Aboveground biomass (AGB) is one of the key parameters important for carbon accounting in a forest ecosystem. However,...
19.06.2019 12:13
Locating and delineating peatlands and organic soils in the tropics
SUMMARY Deforestation and drainage of organic soils stop their ability to sequester carbon and lead to the emission of...
19.06.2019 12:13
Remote sensing as a tool for mapping and evaluating peatlands and peatland carbon stock in northern Finland
SUMMARY The rates of greenhouse gas fluxes in northern peatlands are a sum of complex interactions between climate, temperature,...
19.06.2019 12:14
Use of Remote Sensing to Inventory Mountain Peatlands in Lesotho
Theme V. Restoration, rehabilitation and after-use of disturbed peatlands SUMMARY Remote sensing is the only practical means of conducting...