Keywords: Scots pine
The effect of ditch cleaning and complementary ditching on the development of drained Scots pine-dominated peatland forests in Finland
The development of drained peatland forests dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was studied by using data from...
Response of Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) Radial Growth to Draining in Estonia
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY A considerable part of Estonian forests has been drained...
Stand Structure and Productivity Dynamics in a Drained Transition Bog 50 Years After
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY A considerable part of nowadays productive Latvian forests are drained...
Biomass Production of 10 Years Old Downy Birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) Stand in an Ash-Fertilized Cut-Away Peatland
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY We studied the effects of fertilization on the biomass production...
Long-Term Effect of Ash Fertilisation and Weed Control in Afforestation of Organic Agricultural Soil
Theme VII. Ecology and management on forested peatlands SUMMARY Tree seedlings compete with weeds for light, water and nutrients...
Subfossil Swedish bog-pines as indicators of mid-Holocene palaeohydrology and climate
I Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands Extended abstract SUMMARY Dendrochronological analysis of subfossil bog trees in...