Keywords: society

31.05.2024 11:54
Peatlands International 1.2023
Peatlands International 1.2023 was published and sent to all IPS members by email on 19 April 2023. Topics of...

23.01.2024 10:55
IPS Internal Regulations 2023
The International Regulations were adapted by the Executive Board with an addition in item 4.3 on 8 November 2023....

23.01.2024 10:29
IPS Strategy 2024-2028
The IPS Strategy 2024-2028 was finalized at EB meetings on 8 November and 12 December 2023 and approved by...

19.06.2019 12:06
Communicating peat science to society
Humanity currently requires all available natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable be managed optimally and sustainably. Peatlands is one...