Keywords: soil

19.06.2019 12:27
The effect of nitrogen fertilization on soil n2o emissions from oil palm cultivation on deep peat
The addition of nitrogen (N) fertilizer in Histosols is suspected to increase soil organic matter oxidation and nitrous oxide...

19.06.2019 12:27
Ash fertilization in old drained swedish peatland forests
SUMMARY Most earlier Swedish and Finnish experiences of the effects of wood ash on soil productivity on peatlands, are...

19.06.2019 12:06
Emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from peatlands
Peatland is a significant storage of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) on the earth surface. Human activities in peatlands...

19.06.2019 12:58
International Peat Journal no. 11
Using Highly Characterized Peats to Extract Heavy Metal Ion From Contaminated WaterA.M. Rizzuti, S. Eltayeb, A.D. Cohen, E. M....