Keywords: Tropical peatland

Temporal changes of selected physico-chemical properties of tropical peat under managed oil palm plantation
SUMMARY Tropical peatland has been developed widely in Southeast Asia for agricultural plantation especially for oil palm. This is...

Carbon dioxide balance of a secondary tropical peat swamp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia
Tropical peatlands are important reservoirs of terrestrial carbon. Therefore, net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from this...

Factors controlling the contribution of net carbon loss and total subsidence in a water-managed tropical peatland
SUMMARY Acacia plantation on tropical peatland has the issue of subsidence and water management is important to avoid serious...

Valuing and mapping ecosystem services hotspot and trade-offs to support sustainable peatland management
SUMMARY Indonesian tropical peatlands are rapidly degrading. Peatlands provide multiple services and therefore peatland conversion will affect society locally,...

rewetting of deGraded tropical peatland by canal blocking technique in Sebangau national park, central Kalimantan, Indonesia
SUMMARY Sebangau National Park is a tropical peat swamp forest previously used for logging activities (illegal and legal) between...

Enhancing reforestation in degraded tropical peatlands in central Kalimantan
SUMMARY Tropical peatlands of Southeast Asia are great terrestrial carbon stores and major hot spots of biodiversity. Main peat...

Fire-climate-ecosystem interactions related to carbon accumulation rates of peatlands in Jambi, Sumatra (Indonesia) during the past 12,000 years
The largest tropical peatlands are found in Southeast Asia and their global importance as terrestrial carbon reservoirs is well...

First in SITU -measurements of tropical peatland fire emissions: new emission factors for greenhouse gas reporting and haze forecasting
INTRODUCTION Tropical peat swamp fires in Southeast Asia are a major source of greenhouse gases (GHGs), responsible for climate...

Is peatland utilization the main cause of land fire in Indonesia?
SUMMARY In recent years, land fire has been occurred across islands in Indonesia. Peatland utilization is frequently associated with...

Haze and peatlands: the top three challenges of tackling smouldering megafires
One again, peat fires raged in 2015 in Indonesia and their extent was staggering. They emitted in excess of...