Keywords: wetlands
19.06.2019 12:33
Spatial differences in hydrologic and geochemical characteristics across a temperate coastal plain peatland: the great dismal swamp, USA
INTRODUCTION Spatial differences in hydrologic and geochemical characteristics across forested peatlands can control the distribution of wetland species and...
19.06.2019 12:32
Carbon storage and ecosystem services by publically managed wetlands
In a recently completed national assessment of ecosystem carbon sequestration, wetlands (including both freshwater and tidal water, woody and...
19.06.2019 12:05
Irish peatland project Auger (peatland properties influencing greenhouse gas emissions and removals) – assesment and modelling strategies
Peatlands constitute around 20% of the land area of the Republic of Ireland and bear significant benefits in the...
19.06.2019 12:02
Developing methods and monitoring measures to enhance the ecological value of Bord na Móna cutaway bog for breeding waders in Ireland
Bord na Móna and BirdWatch Ireland established a trial area in 2010 on Drinagh cutaway bog in County Offaly,...