Updated 19 April 2024
- Hannu Salo (for two years) nominated by Finland
1st Vice President (legally important, deputy to above):
- Ilze Ozola nominated by Latvia
2nd Vice President (responsible for Scientific Advisory Board):
- Anna-Helena Purre nominated by Estonia
Ordinary members (4-5 seats) in alphabetical order
- Asha Hingorani nominated by Canada
- Lulie Melling nominated by Malaysia
- Ilze Ozola nominated by Latvia
- Päivi Peronius nominated by Finland
- Paddy Rowland nominated by Ireland
- Guus van Berckel nominated by the Netherlands
If Dr Ozola is elected 1st Vice President, her nomination for ordinary member expires. If Dr Purre is elected 2nd Vice President, her ordinary seat becomes available for two years, resulting in 5 open positions. For the selection of the shorter term, lots will be drawn between the incoming EB members.
Commission Peatlands and Economy:
- Sabina Alta nominated by Latvia
Commission Peatlands and Environment:
- Bernd Hofer applied (for two years)
Commission Peatlands and Society: no nomination
Update 8 March
We extend the deadline for the Presidents and Commission Chair nominations to 4 April, which is, following our Statutes and Internal Regulations, four months before the Assembly. The Executive Board will also meet on 21 March, and in person on 11 April in Helsinki to discuss this challenging situation. The timing allows National Committees to get familiar with all candidates and decide internally whom to support. Invitations and documents to the Assembly, including CVs, will be sent to you 60-40 days before the Assembly.
Especially the President positions are of utmost importance as IPS cannot sign any documents without a President (puheenjohtaja in Finnish) signing together with one of the Vice Presidents or Secretary General. We thus kindly encourage any smart persons who might be interested in one of the President positions. The Board reserved its right to extend the deadline IF NEEDED.
The positions need to be clearly stated in the nomination letters. Also current Board members can be nominated as Presidents, that will just change their seats to a 2-year vacancy. The National Committees of Germany, Sweden, Estonia and China are able to nominate for the three President positions, but not ordinary membership.
Especially the President positions are of utmost importance as IPS cannot sign any documents without a President (puheenjohtaja in Finnish) signing together with one of the Vice Presidents or Secretary General. We thus kindly encourage any smart persons who might be interested in one of the President positions. The Board reserved its right to extend the deadline IF NEEDED.
22 September 2023
Dear National Committees, dear members,
Hereby we alert you to the elections of the IPS Executive Board next year and encourage you to discuss nominations already at the upcoming autumn meetings of your associations. According to our Statutes, there will be even 7 vacancies on the Board, so we must make sure that there are enough applicants for these positions. Re-elections are possible, but the nomination procedure is the same as for new applicants.
The first deadline is 4 March, so that we can look for additional persons, if necessary.
The term of the current Board members is as follows:
Ending in 2024, not available for re-election:
Marko Pomerants, Estonia
Donal Clarke, Ireland
Jack Rieley, United Kingdom
Tuija Vähäkuopus, Finland
Giedrius Kavaliauskas, Lithuania
Ending in 2024, available:
Asha Hingorani, Canada, nominated as ordinary member
Guus van Berckel, Netherlands, 1st Vice, nominated as ordinary member
To continue until 2026:
Bernd Hofer, Germany
Sabine Jordan, Sweden
Anna-Helena Purre, Estonia (nominated for 2nd Vice President)
Meng Wang, China
We kindly as you to consider smart and competent persons from science, industry and other sectors as soon as possible for these responsible tasks. Note that as our budget is limited, travel costs and working hours must be covered by the EB candidates (or their organisation) if not otherwise agreed beforehand.
Take into consideration that the EB is not a supervisory, but a working board, so we hope for true participation and input also in between meetings (3-4 times a year F2F, plus 2 hours every 1-2 months).
With the exception of the Presidents, there can be only one person per country (NC) on the EB, so the NCs of Germany, Sweden, Estonia and China can only nominate for the three President positions. The position(s) need to be stated clearly in the nomination letters, president plus ordinary member are possible, as they are elected after each other.
Formally, a nomination letter by the NC and a CV are the only requirements. We very much look forward to hearing from you.
P.S. If current EB members know already they will not be available anymore, let the Secretariat know, so we can intensify our recruitment efforts.
The elections will be held at IPC2024 in China in the week of 4-9 August, from a technical point of view most likely without online voting. Mark the dates.
In addition, elections of the three Commission Chairs will take place, either by the Commissions themselves, or by appointment by the EB. Applications are welcome, ips@peatlands.org.
Thank you very much in advance!
The IPS Secretary General