Co-Combustion of Reed Canary Grass and Milled Peat in a Bioenergy Combine

Jan Burvall

Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress


co-combustion, fluidised-bed-boiler, milled-peat, reed-canary-grass

Burvall 2012: Co-Combustion of Reed Canary Grass and Milled Peat in a Bioenergy Combine


Theme II. Peat for horticulture, energy and other uses


Skellefteå Kraft AB is one of Sweden’s largest producers of renewable energy from hydropower, wind and biomass. In the unique bioenergy combine – heat, electricity and pellets are produced in the same facility with high efficiency and low environmental impact. Biomass from forests and by-products from sawmills are mainly used as fuel and raw material for pellet production. About 10 % of peat is blended with biomass to increase the electricity production and reduce problems with ash sintering in the 98 MW (CFB) fluidised bed boiler. Reed canary grass is one of the most promising energy crops in Northern Europe. In 2009, 260 hectares of reed canary grass were established in the community of Skellefteå. However, the low bulk density of this fuel has caused a lot of problems in handling and many boilers in Sweden cannot use reed canary grass because of the ash properties. By using milled peat in blends with reed canary grass Skellefteå Kraft AB can demonstrate a reliable handling system for the fuel chain supply and also efficient combustion.