Category: COP26
More exciting facts on Peat and Peatlands
The IPS offers further resources on its website, via its publications, events, commissions and expert groups. Do not hesitate...
Peatland Restoration and Rehabilitation
Degraded peatlands are being restored in many parts of the world. These include areas impacted by humans, as well...
Peat and Peatlands in relation to Economy and Society
Peatlands are important for the environment and climate, but their role with regard to the economy and society is...
Open document database
Since 2019, the IPS has had its own fully-open document database. The database contains articles from IPS conference proceedings,...
Peatlands International Mag
The IPS publishes its own magazine four times a year. The 40-60 page publication consists of reports written by...
Mires and Peat Journal
Mires and Peat is the joint peer-reviewed journal of the International Peatland Society (IPS) and the International Mire Conservation...
Peatlands and Climate Change – 2008 and 2021
Peatlands interact with climate through the uptake and release of greenhouse gases (GHGs). These are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane...
Wise Use of Mires and Peatlands – Backgrounds and Principles
Wise Use of Peatlands can be described as the uses of peatlands for which reasonable people now and in...
Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management
The Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management was published as a joint stakeholder document in 2010. The document contains information...
Peatlands, their location and their use
Peatlands can be found across all five continents, especially in the Northern hemisphere and in Southeast Asia. Many of...