Keywords: fulvic acids
19.06.2019 12:55
The properties of Estonian balneological peat
Balneological peat is widely used because of its curative effects. For the present study seven study areas were chosen...
19.06.2019 12:54
In vitro investigations on the effect of peat humic substances on inflammation
With the objective of understanding the role of humic substances in inflammation, the influence of humic and fulvic acids...
19.06.2019 12:42
New technology and products of deep chemical work of peat
New mechano-chemical methods for deep chemical processing of peat have been developed and humic prepa- rations have been prepared...
19.06.2019 12:16
Results of Balneological Peat Researches of Some Estonian, South Korean and Northern Irish Mires and Peat Types
Theme VI. Balnelogical, medicinal and therapeutical use of peat SUMMARY The balneological Peat Researches were made in Estonia, in...