Keywords: horticulture
Peatlands International 3.2023
Peatlands International 3.2023 was published and sent to all IPS members by email on 12 October 2023. Members receive...
Peatlands International 1.2023
Peatlands International 1.2023 was published and sent to all IPS members by email on 19 April 2023. Topics of...
Peatlands International 4.2022
Peatlands International 4.2022 was published on 21 December 2022 and sent to all IPS members by email. Topics of...
Peatlands International 2.2022
Peatlands International 2.2022 was published on 5 July 2022. IPS members receive a high-resolution version by email, the small...
Growing media for food and quality of life in the period 2020-2050
Citation: Blok e.a. 2020. (Growing media for food and quality of life in the period 2020-2050.) Acta horticulturae, in...
Facts, Figures and Fallacy – Half Truths Driving the Phasing Out of Peat Use in Horticulture in England
Theme II. Peat for horticulture, energy and other uses SUMMARY The UK Government has adopted a policy to stop...
The Rise and Fall of Peat in UK Horticulture
Theme II. Peat for horticulture, energy and other uses SUMMARY This paper provides a chronological review of the use...
Peatlands International 2/2012
IPS Insights Editorial: The International Peat Congress in Stockholm was a success! 3 From the President’s Desk: A new...