Keywords: hydrology
Spatial differences in hydrologic and geochemical characteristics across a temperate coastal plain peatland: the great dismal swamp, USA
INTRODUCTION Spatial differences in hydrologic and geochemical characteristics across forested peatlands can control the distribution of wetland species and...
Peatland simulator connecting drainage, nutrient cycling, forest growth, economy and ghg efflux in boreal and tropical peatlands
SUMMARY We built and applied peatland simulator Susi that allows simultaneous assessment of economic benefits and adverse environmental effects...
Assessing the water balance of tropical peatlands by using the inverse groundwater modelling approach
The understanding and proper management of the groundwater system are key factors for sustainable land development and effective soil...
Splitting the water balance of drained peatland forests into hydrological components
Drainage is a prerequisite for a successful forest production in peatlands and ditch network maintenance is performed to sustain...
Moutain Fen Restoration in Colorado: An Overview
Theme V. Restoration, rehabilitation and after-use of disturbed peatlands SUMMARY Peatlands and disturbances to peatlands are common in many...
Laggs of Raised Bogs in Coastal British Columbia, Canada: Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, and Vegetation at the Mire Margin
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY We studied water levels, hydrochemistry, vegetation, and peat...
Value-adding of Rewetted Fen Peatlands Using Their Purification Potential With Respect to Surface Water
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY Within an extended research project, a non-cultivated fen...
Effects of Site Characteristics on Cumulative Frequency Distribution of Water Table Depth in Peatland
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY Water table depth is the key parameter controlling...
Restoration of Burns Bog, Delta, British Columbia, Canada
Over the past 70 years, Burns Bog, the largest raised bog on the west coast of the Americas, was...