Keywords: mire

Research, quality guidelines and use of balneological peat in Finland
Research has been carried out on balneological peat in Finland for nearly twenty years. The purpose of the research...

Mires as buffer areas for high water quality in forest land
Mires and wetlands exert crucial functions for aquatic ecosystems in forest landscapes. Forest land is extensive in the Nordic-Baltic...

Lessons from one decade of carbon dioxide exchange measurements in an oligotrophic minerotrophic mire in Northern Sweden
Theme X. Peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes Abstract The important role of natural peatland ecosystems in...

Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Balance of a Northern Boreal Fen – Contribution of Import and Export of Aquatic Transport
Theme X. Peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes SUMMARY Aquatic export has been recognized as a significant...

Results of Balneological Peat Researches of Some Estonian, South Korean and Northern Irish Mires and Peat Types
Theme VI. Balnelogical, medicinal and therapeutical use of peat SUMMARY The balneological Peat Researches were made in Estonia, in...

First Results of the Soil Water, Nutrient and Vegetation Dynamics of a Rewetted Mire in the German Harz National Park
Theme V. Restoration, rehabilitation and after-use of disturbed peatlands SUMMARY This study aimed to investigate changes of the nutrient...

Sphagnum Ecophysiology of Restored, Drained, and Pristine Boreal Spruce Swamp Forests
Theme V. Restoration, rehabilitation and after-use of disturbed peatlands SUMMARY Boreal spruce swamp forests, in their natural state, harbor...

Estimation of Mires Stability Based on Time-Spatial Geosystems Classification
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY The article deals with the time-spatial classification of...

Ecosystem Services of Boreal Mires and Peatlands
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY Ecosystem services are defined as direct or indirect...

The Holocene Vegetation Reconstruction From Mire and Lake Sediments in North Eeastern Latvia Using Pollen Records
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY The significant changes in vegetation composition during the...