31.05.2024 11:11
Peatlands International 4.2022

Peatlands International 4.2022 was published on 21 December 2022 and sent to all IPS members by email. Topics of...

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23.01.2024 10:29
IPS Strategy 2024-2028

The IPS Strategy 2024-2028 was finalized at EB meetings on 8 November and 12 December 2023 and approved by...

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15.11.2023 09:25
Peatlands International 3.2022

Peatlands International 3.2022 was published on 27 October 2022. IPS members receive a full resolution by email as soon...

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15.09.2023 14:30
Peatlands International 2.2022

Peatlands International 2.2022 was published on 5 July 2022. IPS members receive a high-resolution version by email, the small...

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15.09.2023 14:49
Peatlands International 1.2022

Peatlands International 1.2022 was published on 30 March 2022. IPS members receive a high-resolution version by email, the small...

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16.03.2022 14:03
Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2021 including Financial Report To be approved by the Annual Assembly in June, being signed by the...

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21.10.2021 12:10
Peatlands International 3.2020

16th International Peatland Congress Editorial: Peatlands & COVID-19 by Marko Pomerants COVID-19 in our member countries: impacts on companies,...

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25.01.2021 10:44
Peatlands International 1.2020

16th International Peatland Congress postponed to 2021 Candidates to the IPS Executive Board Allan Robertson Grants 2020 UNFCCC COP25...

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16.09.2020 15:02
Peatlands International 2.2013

Topics: Changing times… Viewpoint – why going digital News from Leiden Neros Project: Network Monitoring Re-wetted/Restored Organic Soils for...

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16.09.2020 15:52
Peatlands International 4.2019

Topics: Editorial: Emergency: Our house is on fire! European Peatland Strategies: International Workshop in Bonn Tallinn calling! Allan Robertson...

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