Keywords: peat-decomposition

19.06.2019 12:16
Contribution from root respiration and litter decomposition to carbon flux in tropical peatland
SUMMARY There are several components of carbon flux from peatland, i.e. peat decomposition, root respiration and exudates, and litter...

19.06.2019 12:09
Peatland utilization with secure and Sustainable management: A case study in oil palm and timber forest plantations in Sumatra
Peatland utilization for plantations requires aerobic condition at the upper peat layer and groundwater level (GWL) conditions at a...

19.06.2019 12:08
Characterization of Peat-Electrical Properties by Means of Geophysical Measurements
Theme IV. Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of peat SUMMARY Protection of peatlands in their function as storage for...