19.06.2019 12:01
Recycling wood ash: increasing forest productivity on peatlands in a responsible way

Increasing use of wood fuels is increasing ash production. Instead of dumping ash into landfills its nutrients could be...

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19.06.2019 12:04
Emissions of greenhouse gasses from peat soils under different management and drainage

Theme III. Agricultural use of peat and peatlands Abstract In their pristine state, peat soils act as major sinks...

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19.06.2019 12:03
Submerged Infiltration to Halve Subsidence and GHG Emissions of Agricultural Peat Soils

Theme III. Agricultural use of peat and peatlands SUMMARY Biological degradation (oxidation) of peat soils used in dairy farming...

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19.06.2019 12:01
Effects of submerged drains to reduce subsidence of agricultural peat soils on nutrient loading of surface water

Theme III. Agricultural use of peat and peatlands Abstract In the Netherlands, about 9% of the area is covered...

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19.06.2019 12:01
The Impact of Grassing on Agrophysical and Agrochemical Properties of Drained Peat-Bog Soil Under Sown Hayland

Theme III. Agricultural use of peat and peatlands SUMMARY 186 Gt of peat resources are concentrated in Russia where...

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19.06.2019 12:45
General Review of the Peat Landscape Geochemistry in European Russia (ER) and Distribution of Ge, U and 137Cs in Peat Soils

Theme I.  Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY The Landscape Geochemistry Conception aims to study the...

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