Keywords: peat

Peatlands International 2.2013
Topics: Changing times… Viewpoint – why going digital News from Leiden Neros Project: Network Monitoring Re-wetted/Restored Organic Soils for...

Peatlands International 4.2019
Topics: Editorial: Emergency: Our house is on fire! European Peatland Strategies: International Workshop in Bonn Tallinn calling! Allan Robertson...

Peatlands International 3.2019
Topics: Editorial – What we should expect in 2020 & your role Have you visited the new IPS...

International Conventions, Agencies, Agreements and Programmes – Summary 2019
The objective of this document is to identify and summarise the activities of those international conventions, agencies, agreements, and...

International Conventions, Agencies, Agreements and Programmes – Supplement 2019
International Conventions, Agencies, Agreements and Programmes. Implications for peat and peatland management – Supplement 2019 Global Peatlands Initiative IPBES...

International Conventions, Agencies, Agreements and Programmes 2014
Foreword Introduction International Conventions, Agencies, Agreements and Programmes United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on Biological...

Growing media for food and quality of life in the period 2020-2050
Citation: Blok e.a. 2020. (Growing media for food and quality of life in the period 2020-2050.) Acta horticulturae, in...

The role of local water conditions in distribution of raised bogs in mountainous areas: case study of the Polish carpathian mountains
SUMMARY It has been often argued that the formation of peat bogs, especially of the raised type, is predominantly...