Keywords: peat

Planning for the end of energy peat production in Bord Na Mona
SUMMARY Bord na Mona has announced that it will cease to produce energy peat by 2030. The peatland, currently...

Recommendation of pre-solidification procedure for highly organic soils at various decomposition levels
SUMMARY The peat, also known as soft soils in geotechnics, is highly compressible and soft. The solidification of peat...

Strategy to control forest and peatland fires after central Kalimantan fire in 2015
SUMMARY Forest and tropical peatlands fires provide a wide impact on various aspects of life including health, economy and...

Rehabilitation of degraded peat swamp ecosystem services and construction of implementation system on redd+ safeguard
INTRODUCTION The Ramseur treaty on wetland conservation was concluded in 1971. Wetland forests in the tropics have, however, been...

Development of Finnish peatland area and carbon storage 1950 – 2015: review and update
Over 2/3 of the carbon (C) reservoir of ecosystems in Finland is in peat. In 1950, almost 90% of...

Sustainable oil palm planting on peat soils in Sarawak
SUMMARY To produce high oil palm yields growers have to observe the practices that can ensure the crop is...

Initiating a global database for peatland deposits
SUMMARY The sequence of different peat types and often also gyttja types delivers important information on the original hydrological...

Restoration of high altitude peatlands in Ruoergai Plateau, China
The peatlands of the Ruoergai Plateau in Sichuan and Gansu Provinces in China cover about 350,000 ha and are...

Peat fire economy and actor network in Sumatra: an analytical approach
SUMMARY Peat fires have become a local, national and global concern. The health issues and economic disruption caused by...

Greenhouse gas emissions factors for drained and rewetted boreal, temperate and tropical peatlands
SUMMARY Organic soils store an estimated 610 Gt of carbon (C) worldwide, an amount equivalent to >70% of the...