Keywords: peatland management

19.06.2019 12:23
Monitoring the effects of peatland restoration in indonesia Using Insar time series analysis
In this study, satellite radar observations are employed to reveal spatiotemporal changes in surface height of peatlands that have,...

19.06.2019 12:20
National responses in the context of ASEAN developments over peat fires and haze
SUMMARY The recent haze episodes of 2013 and 2015 have been especially severe, with serious consequences on the day-today...

19.06.2019 12:00
Developing a peatland management portal for priority upland habitats in the UK
The UK’s extensive peatland resource is a key component of the nation’s carbon storage and sequestration facility, as well...

19.06.2019 12:27
Peatland Management in Southeast Asia – Issues and Challenges
Theme IX. Tropical peatlands SUMMARY Tropical peatlands are one of the most critical ecosystems in Southeast Asia, covering about...

19.06.2019 12:56
A Decision Support System for Degraded and Abandoned Peatlands – A Tool for Balancing Options in Peatland Management
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY Within a BMU ICI project (International Climate Initiative...