Keywords: raised bogs
19.06.2019 12:43
The role of local water conditions in distribution of raised bogs in mountainous areas: case study of the Polish carpathian mountains
SUMMARY It has been often argued that the formation of peat bogs, especially of the raised type, is predominantly...
19.06.2019 12:54
Conservation and Management of Raised Bogs in Ireland
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY Irish raised bogs are a priority habitat for...
19.06.2019 12:44
Subfossil Swedish bog-pines as indicators of mid-Holocene palaeohydrology and climate
I Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands Extended abstract SUMMARY Dendrochronological analysis of subfossil bog trees in...
19.06.2019 12:39
The impact of environmental factors on metal accumulation and peat properties
Interdisciplinary peat studies were carried out in 6 bogs in central and north eastern part of Latvia. Coring and...
19.06.2019 12:39
The distribution of different types of Sphagnum peat: a comparison between different mires
Different types of poorly humified Sphagnum peat – Acutifolia (A), Palustria (P) and Cuspidata (Q) – can beidentified in...